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Pourquoi de type boîte poste électrique need a tiny size of aerosol suppression system solution comme solution de protection contre les incendies? Comme nous le savons, a box-type substation is a voltage switch-gear equipment, a power distribution transformer, and a low voltage power distribution equipment, it normally works with a transformer as a power distribution system, and the outer box-type of the cylinder is a moisture-proof, antirouille, dustproof, ignifuger, anti-effraction, enclosed and moveable steel structural of the cylinder, il est un nouveau style de dispositifs de distribution du système et sera de plus en plus populaire.
Box-type substations are normally suitable for installation in mining, des usines, champs de pétrole, centrales éolienne, residential and commercial areas, and building construction sites.
Il a une longue histoire et Amérique et L'Europe Countries widely use box-type substations for their urban construction, and in China with the high speed of modernization.
Box-type substations are everywhere, serving various industries.
The box-type substation now normally be divided into American standard, European standard, and Chinese standard, every country of them have its standard, but their functions and features are almost the same:
We can see the box-type substation everywhere, near a high-rise building, in the parks, on the squares, along a city road, and on some other temporary construction sites.
Comme il est un équipement électrique, so requires the right fire suppression device for fire protection measurement, parce que sous-type de boîte est de petite taille si grande taille fire suppression devices comme FM200, CO2, and IG541 devices are not suitable; are almost enclosed spaces, and some electrical equipment are inside so require total flooding and can well design to suppress fire; si petit style de dispositifs d'extinction d'incendie semble être la solution la plus raisonnable, par la présente, nous vous recommandons notre MINISOL Aerosol Suppression System Solution Device.
le Dispositif aérosol MINISOL can be able to installed in box-type substations and their relative control panel and electrical cabinet space, il est avec les avantages suivants:
The box-type substation is portable, de petite taille, et compact, le dispositif de suppression d'aérosol MINISOL est aussi compact, de petite taille, et peu encombrant, They can completely work together, one for protection of people’s electrical safety, une autre pour la protection incendie de sous-type boîte.