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Quel système d'extinction d'incendie est le meilleur pour la galerie de tuyaux souterrains

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Quel système d'extinction d'incendie est le meilleur pour la galerie de tuyaux souterrains

octobre 7, 2017

Introduction to Comprehensive Pipe Gallery

Now around the world, all governments and enterprises are busy building and constructing the modern UNDERGROUND PIPE GALLERY, a modern underground pipe gallery is a modern concept that includes water supply pipes, câbles de télécommunication, câbles d'alimentation, fire fighting pumps inside, and we can use advanced high technology and monitor to monitor them, it is easy to maintenance and space-saving, des économies de coûts et ainsi de suite.
Dans certains pays, les gens appellent – TUNNELS UTILITAIRES

tuyaux souterrains de style Morden

In the past the the underground pipe was a hole with a single water supply pump, with single telecommunication cable, a single power supply cable, or a single fire fighting pump, just like the below photos show:

galerie de canalisation souterraine ancienne

The modern underground pipe gallery is a better collection for all those pipes and pumps than the old underground pipe tunnel.

Many countries already built many modern underground pipe galleries, and also many countries are now building them, including China, many countries see the advantages of the modern underground pipe gallery so they are planning to build them.
En Chine, large and middle cities are fast in their steps to build the galleries for the pumps and pipes to go under the city ground, and small cities in China also have to make plans to build already.

d'accord, mais aujourd'hui’sujet s est « What fire suppression system is better for the modern underground pipe gallery? », donc nous devons nous tourner pour parler de ce type de système d'extinction d'incendie est un système de protection contre l'incendie raisonnable et disponible pour installer dans la galerie de canalisation souterraine moderne.

As per our experience and installation practice, we recommend our two types of fire suppression systems, we think these two types of fire suppression systems are better for installation in the underground pipe gallery:

One Type is the Wall-Mounted Aerosol Fire Suppression System

le Système d'aérosol mural can be installed in harsh environments of underground comprehensive pipe galleries It has the following characteristics:

  • Non toxique.
  • Non corrosif.
  • Non conductrice.
  • No residue after release.
  • No greenhouse effect.
  • Long lifespan, replacement after 7 years of installation, and no need for annual inspection.
  • It can be installed at the top of the underground comprehensive pipe gallery without taking up space.
  • The product itself can come with various functions such as startup and feedback.

We recommend using Model Number AW-QRR7.5GW/S or AW-QRR5GW/S for the underground pipe gallery.

mural générateurs d'aérosol d'extinction d'incendie

Dispositif de protection contre le feu d'aérosol en suspension

Another type is the Suspended ABC Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher System

le ABC poudre chimique sec Système d'extincteur has a lower cost, En conséquence, it also has some advantages as listed below:

  • It is clean, avec ODP = 0, ALT = 0, et GWP=0.
  • The fire extinguishing efficiency is similar to that of aerosols, slightly lower.
  • Sans toxicité.
  • Non corrosif.
  • Non conductrice.
  • The service life is over 5 années.
  • Usually hung in the upper part of the defense zone, without taking up any extra space.
  • The product color is generally red, and the appearance is very fashionable.
  • Excellent medication, non-coagulating, non-caking, and non-hygroscopic.
  • The cylinder body is exquisitely crafted and does not leak powder.

Pour ce produit, we suggest using item number FZX-ACT8 ou FZXA8/1.2 for the underground pipe gallery.

What fire suppression system is more suitable for underground comprehensive pipe galleries? I think the answer is aerosol and super-fine dry chemical powder.

Entrepôt de protection salle de stockage du système d'extinction d'incendie

Câble bien intercouche dispositif d'extinction d'incendie



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