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Generator Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering ABC Amerex Serupa

» produk » Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering » ABC Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Generator Amerex Alike
  • Generator Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering ABC Amerex Serupa

    Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering, produk

    The ABC Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Generator used in supermarkets can be installed above false ceilings, which is both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

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    ABC dry chemical fire suppression generators are ideal fire extinguishing devices for the shopping mall.

    According to national regulations, large shopping malls and supermarkets need to install appropriate fire extinguishing systems.

    For the shopping mall and supermarket, hereby we recommend the pressurized cost-effective chemical fire suppression generator, yang sama dengan Amerex.

    The dry chemical fire suppression equipment has different specifications, mulai dari 2 kilogram untuk 10 kilogram, and different specifications represent different fire extinguishing performances.

    Computer Room Dry Powder Fire Suppression System

    Basic Parameters of 2 kgs ABC Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Generator

    The following are the basic parameters of the product:

    • Model: FZX-ACT2-10/1.2.
    • Diameter: Minimum 250 mm, dan maksimal 370 mm.
    • mengisi Berat: dari 2000 gram untuk 10000 gram.
    • Height of the product: Range from 255mm to 350 mm.
    • Volume Perlindungan: Ranging from 20 untuk 83 cubic meters each unit.
    • Mode Aktivasi: Electrically and Thermally Activated.
    • Thermal Elements: Thermal cord or Thermo glass bulb.
    • Tegangan Operasi: 3 untuk 24 Volt.
    • pemadam Waktu: dalam 5 detik.
    • Tekanan Penyimpanan Agen: 1.2 Mpa.
    • Suhu lingkungan: -40hingga +95℃.
    • Kelembaban relatif: 95% non-kondensasi.

    We usually choose the appropriate product model based on the height and volume of the protected area.

    The top of the product has an O-shaped hook, which is used to hang the fire extinguishing device from the ceiling and is very practical.

    As its installation program is very simple, many large shopping malls, small shops, dll. are willing to use it as one of the fire extinguishing systems.

    There are many application scenarios for our super-fine ABC dry chemical fire suppression systems. Tolong refer to different pages to learn about different types of applications.

    When a fire breaks out in a shopping mall, the first thing you need to do is press the alarm system to allow people on the scene to evacuate quickly, and only when the evacuation is complete can you press the activation button of the fire extinguishing system to extinguish the fire.

    In the automatic state, the fire extinguishing control system needs at least 60 seconds of delay function, waiting for people to evacuate before starting.

    This ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing system that can be used in supermarkets has the following characteristics:

    • It has a beautiful appearance and saves space.
    • It does not come with a pipe network system, only an O-shaped installation hook and screw, making the installation work very simple.
    • It can be compatible and work in conjunction with various systems.
    • The method of extinguishing fire is very flexible, it not only can total flooding the fire, but also can direct-to-source to suppress the fire.
    • Setelah penyemprotan, the fire extinguishing agent is non-toxic to the human body and has no radiation, so it can be installed in crowded supermarkets, toko, and other public places.

    It is not only for protecting the shopping mall and supermarket but also can be applied in the following fields:

    • Pabrik atau bengkel, sebagai contoh, pabrik makanan, pabrik percetakan, pabrik mesin, pabrik pengepakan, pabrik tembakau, pabrik lukisan.
    • Gudang atau ruang penyimpanan, seperti gudang logistik, gudang kimia, ruang penyimpanan komoditas, and the commercial storage room.
    • Ruang komputer.
    • Kampus Sekolah.
    • rumah sakit.
    • Pusat telekomunikasi.
    • Ruang pembangkit listrik dan pembangkit listrik.
    • Laboratorium, museum, and archives.
    • ruang distribusi listrik.
    • Sumur kabel dan terowongan utilitas.
    • lemari besi Bank.
    • ruang listrik UPS.

    The diameter of the glass bulb is 3 milimeter, and its rated sensing temperature range is as follows

    • 57℃.
    • 68℃.
    • 79℃.
    • 93℃.
    • 114℃.

    The rated starting temperature of the thermal cord is 175 dan 300 derajat, and the colors are blue and red.

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