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Tentang Pengisian Gas untuk Sistem Supresi HFC-227ea

» Dukungan teknologi » Tentang Pengisian Gas untuk Sistem Supresi HFC-227ea

Tentang Pengisian Gas untuk Sistem Supresi HFC-227ea

Mungkin 28, 2018

Nowadays many manufacturers lack maintenance of the Sistem pencegah kebakaran HFC-227ea for a long period, tekanan gas serius tidak cukup, the HFC-227ea gas leaks and evaporates, and the whole gas fire suppression system is invalid.

Begitu, need to send HFC-227ea gas fire suppression equipment back to the manufacturer’s workshop to do inspection refilling, and testing.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa langkah dan pengukuran tentang cara isi ulang.

api gas metode penindasan mengisi HFC-227ea

1. Gas Cylinder Cleaning

Before filling the personnel should fasten up the gas cylinder and place it on the rotary machine to do cleaning and drying, the cylinder should be cleaned without impurity, and the appearance of the gas cylinder should be without any damage and without any default, untuk memastikan input mengisi adalah tanpa hambatan.

2. perakitan

  • Put the siphon tube connected with the container valve, koneksi berulir seharusnya tidak ada geser, siphon connection should be firm and not loose.
  • According to the requirement of production, menggantikan struktur klip silinder yang sesuai.

3. Air Sesak Pengujian

Put an already assembled air inlet of gas cylinders connected with a gas source, fasten it, and do air tightness testing.

4. Cylinder Vacuum Pumping dan Mengganti

  • After air tightness testing put the air inlet of the agent gas cylinder connected with the vacuum pumping test device, dan mulai pompa vakum.
  • After vacuum pumping refill the cylinder with moderate pure nitrogen.

5. Pemadam Agen Mengisi

  • After the test and inspection of the cylinders, memindahkan tabung gas agen untuk daerah siap-fill.
  • According to the predetermined gas filling weight, mengatur katup berat badan pada skala elektronik, and put the empty gas cylinder on it to weigh.
  • Setelah mengisi agen untuk berat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, menutup katup mengisi.
  • Mengamati suhu di lokasi pengisian(situs) dan kurva mengisi, mengatur tekanan pengisian sesuai dengan tekanan suhu lingkungan.

6. Leak Sesak Uji

  • Immersed the gas cylinder in water, stay for 5 menit, and observe the leakage of the cylinder.
  • Selama ujian, the gas cylinder should have no leakage and no bubbles, after the test hang out the cylinder fasten the protective cap, and store it at an appointed place.

7. Inspeksi Setelah Mengisi

setelah mengisi, the specialist inspects the cylinders one by one, after inspection then puts them in an appointed place.








8. mengisi Rekam

After filling it out, you should make a record, a record of the information:

  • tanggal mengisi.
  • Nomor Silinder.
  • Suhu kamar.
  • Agen Produksi Produsen.
  • mengisi Tekanan.
  • Sebenarnya Mengisi Jumlah.
  • Mengisi data Valid.
  • mengisi Orang.
  • inspeksi Orang.
  • Gas Cylinder Produksi Produsen.
  • Cylinder Spesifikasi.
  • Informasi Exception.

9. Inspeksi terakhir

Akhirnya, the final inspection again by a professional person one by one, and only after 100% confirmed the cylinder is good quality without default can move it to the pressurized gas cylinder storage area.


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