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Aerosol Fire System for Variety Industries

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Aerosol Fire System for Variety Industries

Juni 14, 2017

Agen pemadam api aerosol adalah zat khusus, Dalam kondisi normal, kondisinya padat, sedikit seperti lumpur, Namun, ketika dirilis, itu menyajikan gas seperti asap putih, which carries many small particles that can extinguish the fire. This is a general principle that aerosol can extinguish fire.

Now over the world, the aerosol fire system is very famous, almost every person in the fire& protection industry knows of it because the aerosol fire extinguisher and its systems are small sizes, padat, hemat biaya, and eco-friendly, non-perpipaan, mudah untuk menginstal, tidak perlu pemeliharaan tahunan; lebih baik daripada pemadam kebakaran konvensional atau mereka sistem penindasan api.

So the aerosol fire extinguisher and its system can have critical applications in special hazards; berbagai aplikasi yang berbeda, ada berteriak namun tidak terbatas pada:

  • Industri utilitas dan Power Generation.
    Including The gas turbine enclosure, Diesel ruang generator, Switch ruang gigi, the wind turbine nacelles and power room, Baterai ruang asam timbal atau lithium-ion, the Generator room, the Electric machine room, Baki kabel, electric cabinets, kabel Tunnels, Underground Pipa Gallery.
  • Industri transportasi
    Termasuk Kompartemen mesin Bus, Mesin Mobil Kompartemen, Bergulir Mesin Bursa, kompartemen Daya lokomotif, Peralatan listrik, Peralatan lifting, Kendaraan khusus, Lead acid battery compartments, Motor Control Centers, Off-road kompartemen mesin kendaraan, Peralatan terowongan.
  • Industri manufaktur
    Including The CNC Machines, Ruang Listrik, Tanaman Farmasi, Duct Protection, dust collectors, food processing, robots, and flammable Liquid Storage.
  • Gedung dan Industri Konstruksi
    Including The Elevator machine rooms, The mudah terbakar ruang penyimpanan Cair, Perpustakaan, Arsip, and The museums.
  • Minyak dan Gas Industri
    Including The upstream, The downstream, and the midstream.
  • Industri Kelautan
    Including Yacht, mesin kapal, compartments, marine generator rooms, dll.
  • Sistem Perbankan
    Termasuk The ATMs dan ruang ATM.
  • Beberapa Industries relatif dan khusus bahaya lainnya.

Dari sudut pandang praktis, ruang instalasi paling populer saat ini terutama mencakup nacelle turbin angin, kompartemen mesin kendaraan, kabinet listrik, and Industrial and commercial machinery.


Dengan gencarnya promosi dan pengembangan energi baru di berbagai negara, pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga angin terus dilakukan antar negara, There are not only onshore wind farms but also offshore wind farms. Setiap ladang angin memiliki lebih dari lusinan turbin angin.

Ladang angin umumnya berlokasi di daerah berpenduduk jarang seperti padang rumput, gurun, mountains, and oceans, So their situation is very special; Itu juga tinggi dan besar, which poses a great challenge to fire protection.

Biaya setiap turbin angin sangat tinggi. Jika terjadi kebakaran, kerugiannya lebih dari beberapa juta, yang sangat tinggi; semua jenis perusahaan energi baru, and wind turbine manufacturers are willing to choose a good fire extinguishing product to strengthen fire protection.

Karena kelebihannya yang unik, aerosol has become the first choice for wind turbine firefighting. Di Tiongkok dan luar negeri, ribuan turbin angin telah dipasang dengan sistem pemadam kebakaran aerosol.

bersertifikat tetap aerosol pemadam kebakaran persetujuan sistem


The vehicle engine compartment is the engine location of an automobile or mechanical vehicle, Mesin adalah jantungnya sebuah kendaraan, yang sangat mahal.

Jika terjadi kebakaran, hal ini juga akan mengancam keselamatan masyarakat, Sehingga masyarakat bersedia memilih alat pemadam api yang cocok untuk mencegah terjadinya kebakaran.

The engine has very limited space and a small volume. The aerosol fire system which is easy to install has become the preferred product.

Vehicles protected by aerosols include cars, bis-bis, truk, buldoser, excavator, lift, crane, mesin pertanian, coal transportation machinery, dll.

Dasauto teknologi aerosol api pemadam Generator


The power distribution cabinet is a small, electrically enclosed space, So it is also a place where fire is easy to happen.

Many places have electrical cabinets, seperti ruang server, ruang distribusi listrik, kamar Generator, Pusat Data, ruang switchgear, dll, almost everywhere.

There are also many types of power distribution cabinets, such as capacitor cabinets, control cabinets, lemari komunikasi, dll.

Karena itu, the distribution cabinet is the most outstanding representative of electrical products, protecting him is also a big deal. we should not be careless.

Di dalam dunia, the most widely installed products for electrical cabinet fire protection are aerosol extinguishers dan fire detector tubes.

sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol untuk panel kontrol kabinet listrik

Industrial and Commercial Machinery

Industrial and commercial machinery is also a very broad concept. We can only list the commonly used ones:

  • mesin CNC.
  • Printing machine.
  • Processing machine.
  • Painting machine.
  • ATM.
  • Medical-care machine etc.

We use industrial machinery to produce products and materials, Business machines are designed to facilitate people’s lives.

They are all electrical equipment and are also easy to catch fire, Many owners will choose to install small fire extinguishing equipment, and aerosol fire systems as their ideal solution.

For all fields and industries, we have actual installation cases. Please contact us to discuss solutions carefully.

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