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Condensed Aerosol Fire Suppression for Different Environment

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Condensed Aerosol Fire Suppression for Different Environment

Januari 10, 2019

Kami Memiliki Tiga Seri Perangkat Aerosol

Many customers after having a look at our condensed aerosol fire suppression system, showed a lot of interest, but they did even not know how to choose our different models and types because for aerosol products we have three basic series, ada: lantai berdiri seri, wall mount seri dan minisol seri tetap.

lantai gaya sistem penindasan aerosol pirogen sama

pertama, the Floor Series of Aerosol Suppression Device

The standing series is square and could be red color painted or silver-white color painted, ukuran mereka biasanya 400 * 300 * 680mm dan 600 * 300 * 680mm, or another special design size, dengan 2.5 kilogram untuk 10 kilogram aerosol pemadam senyawa mengisi di dalam, model utama adalah sebagai berikut:
. AW-QRR2.5LW/S.
. AW-QRR5LW / S.
. AW-QRR7.5LW/S.

Seperti yang kita lihat, it just needs to be put in the ground to install, it is large and filled with a large quality aerosol compound in kilograms, so it is suitable to install in some spaces with a volume of more than several tens of cubic meters or for some large projects, and also there must be some leftover space to put the device on corner of the ground, seperti:
. ruang komputer.
. kamar telekomunikasi.
. kamar pengolahan data.
. gardu transformator daya.
. kubah kabel, parit kabel, and cable well.
. National Library.
. Museum.
. Arsip.
. The large size of low and high-voltage power distribution rooms.
. Kamar pembangkit listrik yang besar dll.

It is recommended to install it in a bigger space because it is more economical in pricing, Terutama ruang kekuasaan mendistribusikan, ruang komputer, Perpustakaan, museum, etc are more suitable to use this style.

Kedua, the mounted series of Aerosol Fire Suppression Device

Wall mounted series is cylindrical and could be red color painted or silver white color painted, ukuran mereka biasanya diameter 300 * 700mm atau diameter 300 * 800mm, or other special design sizes, dengan 2.5 kilogram untuk 10 kilogram aerosol pemadam senyawa mengisi di dalam, model utama adalah sebagai berikut:
. AW-QRR7.5GW/S.

aerosol pemadam kebakaran generator dinding-mount

Seperti yang kita lihat, it needs to be installed on the wall or the top ceiling, itu adalah dalam ukuran median dan kualitas senyawa aerosol besar dalam kilogram, it is also suitable for installation in some spaces with a volume of more than several tens of cubic meters or a large project, it better to install in the site that requires to install on the wall or the ceiling, seperti:
. Ruang komputer.
. ruangan telekomunikasi.
. Ruangan transformator daya.
. Underground galeri pipa.
. Ruangan mendistribusikan kekuasaan.
. Ruangan pembangkit listrik.
. Ruangan pengolahan data dll.

It is recommended to install in the median size of space and install where there is little space left on the ground to put a fire extinguishing device because it is more economical in pricing and space-saving by installing it on the ceiling or the wall.
Especially the underground pipe gallery and wind power energy industry are better to use this kind of.

Ketiga, Minisol Tetap Seri Aerosol Suppression Perangkat

Minisol Condensed Aerosol Fire Suppression Device Models

Minisol seri aerosol tetap is also in cylindrical size, ini 304 stainless cylinders in silver white color (warna stainless steel), ukurannya sangat kecil atau lebih kecil, the minimum size is the diameter of 51*95mm and the maximum size is the diameter of 219*295mm, dengan 0.03 kilogram untuk 3 kilogram aerosol pemadam senyawa mengisi di dalam, model utama adalah sebagai berikut:
. AW-QRR0.03GW / S (30 gram).
. AW-QRR0.06GW / S (60 gram).
. AW-QRR0.1GW / S (100 gram).
. AW-QRR0.15GW / S (150 gram).
. AW-QRR0.2GW / S (200 gram).
. AW-QRR0.25GW/S (250 gram).
. AW-ARR0.3GW/S (300 gram).
. AW-QRR0.5GW/S (500 gram).
. AW-QRR0.75GW/S (750 gram).
. AW-QRR1GW / S (1000 gram).
. AW-QRR1.5GW/S (1500 gram).
. AW-QRR2GW / S (2000 gram).
. AW-QRR2.5GW/S (2500 gram).
. AW-QRR3GW / S (3000 gram).

sistem aerosol minisol api menyadari solusi penindasan


  • It is a tiny size product, itu adalah serbaguna dan fleksibel, and it can install everywhere even in small enclosed cabinet spaces by using a special design of installation brackets and screws (sometimes using 3M glue or magnet to install).
  • It is a small compound quality of kilograms, it is suitable to install in narrow spaces, seperti kabinet listrik, panel kendali, kompartemen auto mesin kendaraan, mesin turbin angin, and battery box.
  • It also can be applied in some larger spaces, sebagai contoh, 30-gram, 60-gram, 100-gram, 150 gram are very suitable to install on small electrical boards, 100-gram, 150-gram, 200-gram, 250 gram one are very suitable to install in wind turbine engines space, 250 gram, 500 gram, 750 gram one is very suitable for auto vehicle engine compartment, 1000 gram, 1500 gram, 2000 gram, 2500 gram, 3000 gram one is very suitable for install in the power generator room, ruang distribusi listrik, ruang komputer, Ruangan gardu dan setiap ruang lain dengan beberapa puluh volume dalam meter kubik.

Main Application Range

Seperti yang serbaguna, flexible, dan kecil dalam ukuran, people can install it everywhere inside and outside the protection room (objek perlindungan), seperti:
. kamar telekomunikasi.
. Power transformer rooms.
. Distributing rooms.
. Power-generating rooms.
. kamar pengolahan data.
. ruang kabinet listrik.
. kotak kontrol listrik dan papan.
. Vehicle auto engine compartments, like buses, mobil, pelatih, and trucks.
. Angin kompartemen energi listrik.
. mesin CNC, mesin cetak, ATM, dan seterusnya.

Installation Case Analysis

For some projects it is very complicated, not only does the room need to be protected but also the electrical cabinet or machines need to be protected as well, in this condition both Floor standing Aerosol (or wall-mounted aerosol) and mini fixed aerosol fire extinguishing devices are required to install.

Sebagai contoh, a computer server room is 20 meter panjangnya, 15 lebarnya meter, dan 4 meter, ada 60 sets of cabinets inside the room and their size are 60 sentimeter panjangnya, 50 centimeters in width, dan 2 meter, we are planning to design aerosol fire extinguishing device as a fire solution, then we install wall-mounting or floor standing aerosol for the whole room and the Minisol aerosol fire extinguisher for the cabinet, rincian desain seperti di bawah ini:

  • 1. Menghitung ukuran ruangan, it is 20x15x4 and comes to 1500 meter kubik.
  • 2. Confirm how many quality Floor Standing Aerosol (atau dinding dipasang) diperlukan untuk digunakan dalam ruangan, mengkonfirmasi kualitas sesuai rumus ini:
    https://www.awarefire.com/simple-aerosol-fire-suppression-system-calculation-formula/, di sini kita menghitung keluar itu 25 set AW-QRR10LW/S (atau AW-QRR10GW/S) diperlukan sesuai rumus. (ucapan: density aplikasi desain adalah 0.14 kilogram per meter kubik).
  • 3. Menghitung ukuran kabinet, ini: 0.6×0.5×2 datang ke 0.6 meter kubik.
  • 4. Confirm which model of Minisol fixed aerosol is required to install inside the server cabinet, dengan ini kami menggunakan AW-QRR0.6GW/S (60 gram), karena AW-QRR0.6GW/S untuk perlindungan 0.6 meter kubik, and each server cabinet needs to install one set, total 60 set yang dibutuhkan.
sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol untuk panel kontrol kabinet listrik

aerosol fire suppression system for the electrical cabinet control panel and switch box

Supporting and Compatible Facilities and Equipment

baik, ketika orang-orang menginstal produk aerosol kami untuk proyek yang sedang berlangsung mereka, mereka akan selalu bertanya: “Do you also have a fire alarm system?”, “How can we connect a fire alarm system with your products?”, “do we need to design a fire alarm system together with your aerosol products?” dll.

For these questions, our answer is “iya nih”, we can provide fire alarm systems as per clients’ Persyaratan, but how to design and connect a fire alarm system with our aerosol systems is divided into 2 bagian:

  • Bagian 1, If connected with our floor standing or wall mounted aerosol or big size Minisol fixed aerosol fire extinguishing device for total flooding purposes, then it needs to work with the fire alarm system and its components, ada gas panel kontrol api, pendeteksi asap, detektor panas, Indikator rilis gas, sounder strobo, bel alarm kebakaran, hold darurat / membatalkan tombol, auto / manual switcher, lihat artikel dari sistem pemadaman api lengkap
  • Bagian 2, if direct-to-source then use the small or medium-sized Minisol aerosol extinguishing device and protect the electrical cabinet, kompartemen mesin kendaraan, wind turbine energy, battery box, or some other small enclosed space or some particular space, then it does not require to have a fire alarm system to work with Minisol aerosol, because the Minisol aerosol is automatic and can be used without any outer power supply.

More Reference Articles

Lihat di bawah artikel:
baterai lithium proteksi kebakaran sistem Mini aerosol untuk kendaraan energi baru
Otomatis perangkat aerosol pemadam untuk kabinet listrik dan kandang
Aerosol fire extinguisher and suppression system for bank ATMKhusus bahaya aerosol sistem proteksi kebakaran untuk aplikasi Kritis

In these articles, there are many installation photos you can see, that all the installed mini aerosol devices work standalone without any power supply and without connecting and designing with fire alarm systems together. (Ucapan: in some vehicle engine rooms if customers have special requirements for installing fire alarm systems, kita dapat merancang untuk menggunakannya juga, for this issue if there is any doubt please contact us for a further discussion).

Some people will sayI just want to have a fire detection to work with your aerosol device, bagaimana kita dapat memenuhi fungsi ini?”, okay this is easy we have a special fire detection product called “Thermal Aktivasi Generator”, and it can detect out fire at its rated temperature 45℃, 70℃, 93℃, 110℃ after detecting out a fire it can activate the Minisol aerosol automatically by sending out a small current, ini adalah link produk:

And here is an article to tell you how it connects with aerosol:
Can we make the aerosol fire extinguisher work standalone without any outer power supply

More Detailed Descriptions

See from the above description we can see that aerosol fire extinguishing systems now is widely used in many industries and have a great marketing prospect all over the world, floor standing aerosol and wall-mounted aerosol are mainly for some projects, and Minisol fixed aerosol is for some small project or some particular special hazard fire protection.

baik, this article is to tell you about aerosol installation in different places.

If you like this but don’t know how to do it, then contact us we will communicate with you and offer help.

Hereby are some international standards/regulations/rules for aerosol fire extinguishing systems:
Standar untuk Aerosol Api-memadamkan Sistem Tetap: NFPA 2010
aerosol api kental sistem pemadam – Persyaratan dan metode uji untuk komponen dan desain sistem, instalasi, dan pemeliharaan – Persyaratan Umum

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