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Sebuah sistem pemadam gas Aerosol is a particular fire suppression system that not only can cover small spaces but also can be applied in large spaces.
berikut ini, Kami mencantumkan industri utama tempat menginstal sistem pemadam aerosol:
The application range includes a data processing and data storage room, base station GSM dan pusat beralih, server room and cabinet, and radio link station.
The application range includes Suspended ceilings and raised floors, supermarket, arsip, indoor parking lots, garasi, loteng, gudang, depots, and offices.
The application range includes a control and remote room, sistem perpipaan petrokimia dan gas, pump valve, and filling station.
The application range includes yachts, sailboats, speedboats, trailer laut dan ruang kontrol, load houses, dan ruang mesin.
The application range includes trucks, truk, bis-bis, mobil auto, pelatih, kendaraan tambang, buldoser, crane, excavator, engine cabinets, and compartments.
The application range includes the electrical cabinet and the control panel, transformer, ruang switch dan switchgear, terowongan kabel dan kanal, fasilitas distribusi listrik, Ruangan pembangkit listrik, and its tribunes.
The application range includes CNC and milling machines, kontrol otomatisasi dan distribusi tenaga listrik papan, transformer and accumulator rooms, machines, and equipment in factories and workshops.
Stasiun kereta, ruang kendali, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan lokakarya, lokomotif, stasiun sinyal, navigation control center, terowongan panel kontrol listrik.
Application Range includes Power supply facilities in underground tunnels, panel kontrol dan lemari, terowongan, and urban gallery fire protection.
The application range includes solar energy facilities and their control panel, nacelles tenaga angin, dan energi nuklir.
The application range includes the new generation of electric trash.
The application range includes transportation facilities, alat angkat, ventilasi peralatan, water pump rooms, and power distribution devices.
The application range includes Bank vaults, ATM, and other machinery in the bank and financial institutes.
The application range is mainly all kinds of farming machines and farming vehicles and their engine compartments.
The application range is military camps and military vehicles.
It seems aerosol gas systems are widely used in so many industries and have been recognized by professional institutes and by professional persons in the fire protection industry, seperti NFPA, UL, FM, KIWA, dan lebih.
Aerosol comes from the Russian army industry still now a few relative Russian fire protection companies produce aerosol devices, and then aerosol technology extends to Europe and America, and Asia, but their all with potassium nitrate aerosol-based technology which aerosol has some corrosion to the objective their make fire protection, early in the 20th-century aerosol became to enter into China, dan Cina karena untuk mengembangkan sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol yang lebih ramah lingkungan, which is made less corrosion to the objective and more environmentally friendly, teknologi china aerosol disebut “teknologi aerosol nitrat strontium”.
So Russian aerosol technology belongs to the first generation aerosol technology, European and American technology belongs to the second generation of aerosol technology, and China aerosol technology belongs to the third generation aerosol technology.
By using the third generation of compound technology China’s aerosol gas system is safer, more user-friendly, and more environmentally friendly.
Teknologi inovatif sistem pemadam kebakaran otomatis untuk transformator sakelar ruang distribusi tenaga listrik gardu induk
sistem pencegah kebakaran kendaraan mobil pemadam api aerosol untuk ruang kompartemen mesin
sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol untuk panel kontrol kabinet listrik dan kotak sakelar