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Kabinet Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Gas Tipe FM200 Khususnya

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Kabinet Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Gas Tipe FM200 Khususnya

November 5, 2019

When we discuss gas fire extinguishing systems, we can generally count some of the following types:

No matter what extinguishing agent is used, there is one common point: all these suppression systems have a pipeline network.

For them, their disadvantage is very complex to install, and need many pipes to install the devices furthermore, it takes up a lot of space and is not space-saving.
Considering of above factors, Di Tiongkok, our engineers developed a new style of FM200 suppression device, we called it a “jenis kabinet perangkat FM200 pencegah kebakaran”, in another words is a “Pipa-Jenis FM200 api perangkat pemadam”, apa artinya? It means the cylinder which is full of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing agent is put into a special design of the cabinet, the cabinet together set with extinguishing nozzles, and the device is installed directly anywhere in the protection room.

The cabinet is with material of quality iron steel with silver-white paint so by using it as protection from HFC-227ea cylinder agent, it has the following advantages but no limits:

  • pertama, good look with a good appearance, it is a cabinet so makes the extinguishing device look good, it is just like people have to wear beautiful clothing.
  • Kedua, to make HFC-227ea gas inside the cylinder safer, we know HFC-227ea is colorless, odorless clean gaseous chemicals and as the HFC-227ea gas is refilled inside a storage cylinder, dan silinder penyimpanan dimasukkan ke dalam dan tegas tetap di dalam dinding kabinet, so even during transportation or system debugging it is safer to operate.
  • Ketiga, to make the system more space-saving, as we know cabinet type of fm200 device works without any pipeline network, sehingga dibandingkan dengan sistem-sistem penekanan gas jaringan pipa, this cabinet makes the installation space-saving, and makes the installation job more easy to do.

All around the world, most gas suppression systems are piping systems including FM200, Karbon dioksida, and IG541; tapi di Tiongkok, hampir 80% of fire protection projects use pipe-less, so a cabinet-type HFC-227ea system is so particular for people once we export to overseas market.

Why do so many people like this FM200 system, Because it is highly efficient in extinguishing fires and easy to install.

Sebagai contoh, a power generator room needs to use FM200 as a fire protection solution; if we use cabinet type then we just use several cabinet devices inside the room and place them an average distance in the room, sekali terjadi kebakaran, agen pemadam dapat kehabisan dari nozzle kabinet (yang ditetapkan di atas lemari) langsung dan api menekan, Sangat mudah untuk menginstal; jika kita menggunakan pipa jenis maka kita perlu memiliki ruang penyimpanan tabung gas, kemudian menempatkan tabung gas tersebut di ruang penyimpanan silinder, dan kemudian menggunakan jaringan pipa untuk kabel mereka ke langit-langit ruangan, dan juga diatur dengan puluhan nozel di atas ruang di langit-langit.

Cabinet types have their advantages which the piping systems do not have.

Di Tiongkok, cabinet type has been recognized by the market and has been strongly recommended by the Cina Fire Protection Association, juga kita berpikir lebih cepat di pasar dunia itu akan diakui dan direkomendasikan segera.

Sampai sekarang, some clients from Bangladesh, Afrika Selatan, Nigeria, Brazil, UEA, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc used cabinet type of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing systems for their project, setelah instalasi semua dari mereka mengatakan tinggi dengan jenis perangkat dan mereka pikir ini adalah sebuah inovasi.

CEO Mr. Manna from Bangladesh who is a core partner of a national telecommunications company says: “Our end user is very happy with the installation job after we install this pipe-less FM200 suppression devices in their computer rooms”.
Project Manager John says: “Setelah kami memasang sistem kabinet tipe HFC-227ea di dalam ruang distribusi daya, we find it is space saving and have saved a lot of our time to install them, sehingga kita dapat memiliki lebih banyak waktu luang untuk menikmati hidup kita di hari instalasi ini”.
Sales Manager Sam from Brazil saysWe have found a good HFC-227ea fire protection product to install inside a small museum room, we never do complex installation jobs again”.

Sekarang Anda bisa melihat bagaimana orang-orang seperti itu, dan tidak hanya Anda seperti itu, itu karena itu sangat berharga Anda menyukainya, we know no person will like to spend a day doing a complex installation job, tapi mereka ingin menghabiskan hanya beberapa menit untuk menginstal dengan mudah dan kemudian menghabiskan waktu luang untuk melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan seperti.

When installing this product, the installers feel at ease so they love it.

So when people inquire from us our first choice is to recommend them with cabinet type of fire suppression system FM200, kami memiliki seri berikut tersedia.
1st, Silinder tunggal kabinet satu, kami memiliki model GQQ40 dengan kapasitas 40 liter, GQQ70 dengan kapasitas 70 liter, GQQ90 dengan kapasitas 90 liter, GQQ120 dengan kapasitas 120 liter, GQQ150 dengan kapasitas 150 liter dan GQQ180 dengan kapasitas 180 liter.
2nd, Silinder ganda kabinet satu, kami memiliki model dari GQQ90 * 2 dengan kapasitas 180 liter, GQQ120 * 2 dengan kapasitas 240 liter dan GQQ150 * 2 dengan kapasitas 300 liter.

Choosing which model is better depends on the actual situation and calculation formula.

We also design peredam pelepas tekanan accompanied by suppression systems, juga bekerja dengan sistem alarm kebakaran gas, They form an entire and complete gas extinguishing system as a total flooding gaseous system.

Catatan: sistem alarm kebakaran gas memasukkan: a gas fire control panel, pendeteksi asap, detektor panas, Indikator melepaskan gas, pengguna titik panggilan atau istirahat kaca, beralih pemeliharaan, bel alarm kebakaran, and ventilation equipment.

ini adalah untuk menjelaskan gaya cina perangkat penindasan FM200 api

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