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Pemadam Kebakaran Generator Aerosol

» produk » Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol » Aerosol Generator Fire Suppression
  • Pemadam Kebakaran Generator Aerosol

    Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol, produk

    The automatic aerosol generator 2500E is an eco-friendly and halon-alternative product, that can be installed in energy storage power stations.

    • spesifikasi
    • Major Features
    • Aplikasi
    • Informasi lebih

    Tata letak bahan yang mudah terbakar dalam penyimpanan energi pembangkit listrik relatif tersentralisasi, so it is necessary to detect and control the fire at the early stage. Fortunately, an aerosol generator fire suppression system can detect fires at an early stage

    a fire detection system and a fire suppression system should be used to detect and suppress the fire, in the aspect of fire suppression, we recommend adopting an aerosol generator for energy storage power stations.

    Power Room Fire-Fighting System

    Technical Data for Aerosol Generator Fire Suppression 2500E

    Hereby our 2500-gram capacity aerosol suppression unit model 2500E will be a good solution, the main parameters of this product are as follows:

    • Ordinal Number: 2500E.
    • Pengukuran: Diameter 218×264 mm.
    • Area Protected: 25 meter kubik.
    • Mass of the Aerosol-Forming Agent: 2.5 kilogram.
    • Penggerak: elektris, Elektronik, listrik, dapat bekerja dengan sistem alarm kebakaran, dan dapat bekerja berdiri sendiri dengan TAD aktivator.
    • Operasi Kisaran Suhu: -40ke + 108℃.
    • Warna: 304 besi tahan karat.
    • karya seni: Pemolesan dan pelapisan.
    • Silinder: 304 Besi tahan karat.
    • Berat kotor: 11100 gram.
    • Berat bersih: 2500 gram.
    • Working Duration: kurang dari 30 detik.
    • Lingkaran kehidupan: 10 tahun.
    • Api Kelas memadamkan: Kelas A, kelas B, kelas C, kelas E, dan Kelas F.
    • Waktu pengiriman: 7 untuk 15 hari-hari.
    • Sedang mengemas: Carton box and fumigation wooden case.

    Unit Pemadam Kebakaran Inverter Hibrid

    Fasilitas Penunjang

    In the energy storage power stations, there are many lithium batteries and lithium battery packs over there, so we also suggest installing a smaller capacity of aerosol namedLithium battery pack aerosol device” dalam kemasan baterai.

    Sistem Mini Aerosol untuk Kendaraan Energi Baru


    The major features of this Pemadam Kebakaran Generator Aerosol unit are shown as follows:

    • Our aerosol fire extinguishing agent is based on strontium nitrate, which is a cleaner suppression compound and does not have a bad effect on precision instruments and high-value equipment.
    • The product uses 304 stainless steel as the cylinder and is sealed with aluminum foil and universal glue, which makes it waterproof and dustproof, we have a test report of IP67 issued by the official institute.
    • Kepadatan desain adalah 100 gram per meter kubik, so our aerosol fire extinguishing device will be effective in suppressing fire, dengan cepat dan otomatis.
    • Produk halon dan hfc-227ea akan dilarang digunakan kembali di tahun-tahun berikutnya, so an aerosol extinguishing system will be an alternative.
    • There is little residue after the aerosol generator is released, jadi mudah disapu.
    • Aerosol has a 10-year lifespan, while other kinds of fire suppression systems have no more than 5 tahun.
    • The Aerosol system works without pressure, so no need for yearly inspection, dan biaya perawatannya sangat rendah.

    Aerosol generators not only be able to used in energy storage power systems but also have a larger application:

    • otomotif, kendaraan, and transport.
    • industri kelautan.
    • Peralatan pertambangan.
    • Ruang server.
    • Ruang UPS dan EPS.
    • Turbin angin.
    • Dapur.
    • Sistem distribusi daya.
    • Gedung bertingkat.
    • Kabinet listrik dan panel kontrol.


    Penyimpanan energi adalah arah baru, in the future more and more energy storage power stations will be built, untuk menggantikan sistem energi lama.

    we all need to embrace the change, untuk menghadapi peluang dan tantangan.

    Aerosol pemadam kebakaran sistem are also a new invention in the fire suppression industry, tolong pelajari lebih lanjut tentang itu, as it will bring you benefits and chances.


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