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Sistem Alarm Kebakaran Otomatis Berkembang Menuju Kecerdasan

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Sistem Alarm Kebakaran Otomatis Berkembang Menuju Kecerdasan

Oktober 23, 2018

Saat sekarang, itu sistem alarm kebakaran otomatis diterapkan secara luas, in many places has become necessary equipment, and takes the role of safety guarder; tetapi dalam aplikasi yang sebenarnya.

It also suffers from some problems in the market, kualitas produk seperti bad, fungsi produk tunggal, kinerja produk tidak stabil, only detecting one kind of fire, and false fire alarm, this problem may cause large losses for people.

With the development of microprocessing technology, teknologi penginderaan, teknologi komunikasi, teknologi kontrol, and Artificial intelligence technology, sekarang sistem alarm kebakaran otomatis berkembang menuju kecerdasan dan jaringan.

The main research direction is the intelligent (pintar) style of auto fire alarm systems.

The main components of fire alarm systems include the fire detector, kebakaran lokal panel kontrol alarm, and central fire alarm control panel.

It also can work with kinds of fire equipment and communication equipment to form a central control system. alarm kebakaran otomatis, pencegah kebakaran otomatis, evakuasi kebakaran, display system, and fire archive management to form a complete fire control system.

pemicu Element

in an auto fire alarm system, the element which is automatically or manually causes a fire alarm signal we call itelemen pemicu“, mainly includes a fire detector and manual call point, detektor api bisa mendapatkan parameter tindakan api (seperti asap, api, panas, konsentrasi gas).

It automatically gets a fire alarm signal.

Normally in the market, ada 5 styles of fire detectors, there are heat detectors (thermal detectors), pendeteksi asap, optical flame detectors, gas detectors, and combined fire detectors.

Different styles of fire detectors for different types of fire and different places.

A manual call point or manual start button is manually to get a fire alarm signal and start the automatic fire alarm system, itu adalah komponen penting dalam sistem alarm kebakaran.

Fire Alarm Device

in an automatic fire alarm system, the fire alarm device is the one that can receive, menampilkan, and transfer the fire alarm signal.

And it also can send out a control signal and some other accessibility, we call it aalarm kebakaran alat”.

The fire control panel is one kind of fire alarm device, fire control panel has the following functions:

  • menawarkan detektor panas dengan power supply.
  • Memantau status pekerjaan detektor panas.
  • The fire detectors send out Receive, Transfer, and process fire alarm signals
  • Menunjukkan lokasi alarm kebakaran dan waktu.
  • daya utama dan daya siaga switching otomatis.
  • Pengisian daya siaga.
  • fungsi pemantauan kegagalan pasokan listrik.
  • fungsi alarm kebakaran dan memori api.
  • fungsi waktu.

Ini adalah jantung dari sistem alarm kebakaran.

Dalam perangkat alarm kebakaran, some other devices such as interrupters, zone indicators, and fire indicator panels, can be taken as ancillary equipment. They are applied in certain conditions, and just like a fire alarm control panel, they all belong to a fire alarm device.

orang yg membunyikan sesuatu&strobe

Dalam sistem alarm otomatis kebakaran, orang yg membunyikan sesuatu&strobe is the device that makes out lights and voice, to warn people to take measurements of fire evacuation and fire rescue.

Peralatan Kontrol Api

dalam sistem alarm kebakaran otomatis, fire control equipment is the device that can automatically or manually activate relative fire fighting equipment and can display their working status, including the fire control panel, peralatan kontrol sistem pencegah kebakaran otomatis, the control panel of a fire hydrant, peralatan kontrol knalpot dan pengendalian asap sistem dan ventilasi AC, peralatan kontrol pintu api-bukti, the control panel of fire resisting shutter, control equipment of fire emergency lighting.

Sebagai tambahan, general fire control equipment and fire extinguishing equipment work together, and they achieve centralized and decentralized control by generating a common fire signal.

Sumber Daya listrik

sistem alarm kebakaran otomatis milik api peralatan, kekuatan utama harus mengadopsi dari power supply api, daya siaga harus mengadopsi baterai.

The system power not only makes a power supply for the fire alarm control panel but also for some other relative fire control equipment.

Mungkin 10 years or 20 bertahun-tahun kemudian, sistem alarm kebakaran otomatis dengan sistem pencegah kebakaran akan mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih cerdas.

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