Both mini aerosol fire extinguishing systems and bowl-shaped super-fine dry chemical fire suppression systems can be installed in the vehicle engine compartment. So we uniformly named them “Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems”.
Terkadang agen bubuk kimia kering banyak diterapkan di banyak industri, such as factory workshops, warehouses of logistic companies, supermarket, pusat perbelanjaan, bangunan bertingkat tinggi, ruang catu daya, energi terbarukan, turbin angin, and engine compartments.
Installing a penekanan kendaraan api device in a vehicle compartment by using an aerosol generator is not the cheapest way, because the dry powder material cost is much cheaper than that of aerosol-based suppression systems. sebagai gantinya, a bowl-shaped dry chemical vehicle fire extinguishing device is more cost-effective.
A bowl-shaped dry chemical vehicle fire extinguisher consists of the following basic elements:
- A red bowl-shaped shell.
- A startup component (Electric starting element or thermal wire starting element).
- Ultra fine dry powder fire extinguishing agent.
- Install accessories.
Data Sheet and Parameters of Bowl-shaped Dry Chemical Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems
Below are the data sheet and parameters of this recommended bowl-shaped fire extinguisher:
- Quality of Fire Extinguishing Agent: 300+15 gram.
- Volume dilindungi: ≥ 2 meter kubik.
- pengosongan Waktu: ≤ 2 detik.
- Tekanan Pekerjaan: 8 untuk 24 Tegangan.
- Resistance of Electrical Activation: 18aduh.
- aktivasi sekarang: ≥0.3 amperes.
- aman saat: 0,15 ampere.
- Mode Aktivasi: Thermal cord and electric power supply.
- Pemadam api Density: 127 gram per meter kubik.
- Working Temperate: -40℃ untuk + 90 ℃.
- Suhu Nilai Kabel Termal: 175± 5 ℃.
- Weight of Device: 0.9 kilogram.
- Size of The Device: 165*80mm.
- Total Flooding Space: 1.0×1.2×2.06 m.
The bowl-shaped dry powder fire extinguishers also have 2 mode aktivasi, they are electrical activation and thermal activation.
In electric start mode, input 3-24V power from the external source to the fire extinguisher; In thermal start mode, it only requires one thermal cord wire with fire detection and start-up functions.
For more technical data, brosur, and questions, please feel free to reach us any time.
A bowl-shaped ABC super-fine dry chemical powder fire extinguisher is a cheap solution for the auto engine compartments, it is in red and suppresses fire rapidly.
Ia bekerja baik secara termal dan elektrik, untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang produk ini, silahkan meminta kami untuk lebih banyak file.
- Brosur.
- Lembar Data Teknis.
- Instruksi manual.