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Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol untuk Mesin Konstruksi

» produk » Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol » Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems for Construction Machinery
  • Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol untuk Mesin Konstruksi

    Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol, produk

    Aerosol fire extinguishing device is a clean fire suppression product because it does not cause any residue after release and won't damage the engine compartment,

    It is eco-friendly for the engine room of construction machinery.

    • spesifikasi
    • Properties and Features
    • Aplikasi utama
    • Informasi lebih


    Aerosol fire extinguishing systems can be installed in the engine room of various construction machinery.

    Mesin konstruksi is an important part of the equipment industry, Singkatnya, semua mesin teknik bangunan, konstruksi jalan dan mesin pemeliharaan, mesin pengangkat mesin pemuatan, dll semuanya milik mesin konstruksi.

    Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Mesin Konstruksi

    Berikut ini adalah beberapa jenis mesin konstruksi yang umum dalam kehidupan:

    • The hydraulic excavators.
    • The wheeled excavators.
    • Rigid dump trucks.
    • The road rollers.
    • The bulldozers.
    • The tower cranes.
    • The blenders.
    • Road graders.
    • Open-type roadheaders.

    The size of construction machinery is usually larger, so the engine compartment is also larger, and to ensure sufficient fire extinguishing impregnation time, the fire extinguishing capacity of the fire extinguishers used will also be larger.

    Normally their engine rooms are semi-enclosed spaces, we can use a medium-sized clean agent aerosol fire extinguishing system for it, we suggest using our 750-gram solid aerosol fire suppression system AW-QH-750ST as a solution.

    750-gram solid aerosol fire extinguishing systems can cover an area of 7.5 meter kubik, this is enough for construction machinery fire protection.

    kendaraan sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol pemadam api mobil

    Product Data Sheet of Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems

    Below are the main parameters and characteristics of Bulb type aerosol fire extinguishing systems:

    • Nomor Bagian: 750ST. dengan ini “ST” berarti mogok.
    • Dimensi: 167*204 mm.
    • Berat Majemuk: 750 gram.
    • Waktu Pengosongan: 14 detik.
    • Kapasitas: 7.50 m³.
    • Volume coverage: 7.50 m³.
    • Aerosol cylinder body: 304 baja tahan karat dengan pemolesan.
    • Pemicu: bola lampu termo, Suhu tersedia di 57 ℃, 68℃, 79℃, 93dapat disesuaikan.
    • Glass Bulb Brand: Job bulb with UL certification.
    • Berat Kotor Produk: 5400 gram.
    • Fire Suppression Range: the enclosed room or semi-enclosed room less than 7.5 meter kubik.
    • Operating Conditions: -40°C to 95°C, Up to 95% RH
    • Colors: Putih perak, and other colors upon request.

    Similarly, lain electrically-activated aerosol product with 750 gram bahan pemadam api can be installed in construction machinery, but the electrically-activated product requires a control panel and an activation button.
    Please select the right product model according to your needs.

    sistem pemadam kebakaran aerosol mini


    750 grams of aerosol is a special product because it is between those small size ones and large size ones, so this product has its features:

    • It can cover medium-sized enclosed spaces, seperti mesin CNC.
    • It floods the protected room freely.
    • It protects those high-value equipment and important places.
    • It can be installed in construction machinery vessel's engine room, yang paling penting, without any bad effect on them.
    • Itu tidak mempengaruhi lingkungan.
    • Easy to install and Maintain.
    • After releasing the aerosol compound does not cause any residue, sehingga tidak perlu menyapu mesin kendaraan.

    Ini adalah unit pencegah kebakaran berukuran sedang, jadi masing-masing sangat cocok untuk bidang berikut::

    • Ruang generator diesel.
    • ruang distribusi listrik.
    • Kontainer kapal laut.
    • Turbin angin.
    • Kendaraan mesin konstruksi.
    • Technical room.
    • Heavy-duty engine room.
    • mesin CNC besar.
    • Pembangkit listrik.
    • Ruang penyimpanan.
    • Perusahaan energi.
    • Pabrik penyulingan.
    • Lapangan Gas.

    Construction machinery mainly applies in fields of:

    • Proyek pembangunan pertahanan negara.
    • Konstruksi transportasi.
    • Konstruksi dan produksi industri energi.
    • Konstruksi industri pertambangan dan bahan baku.
    • Pertanian, forestry, and water conservancy construction.
    • Konstruksi bangunan industri dan sipil.
    • Konstruksi perkotaan.
    • Perlindungan lingkungan.

    Aerosol generators can be used with construction machinery vehicles.

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