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Bandingkan Tabung Pendeteksi Kebakaran dengan Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran lainnya

» Blog kami » Compare Fire Detecting Tube with other Fire Suppression System

Bandingkan Tabung Pendeteksi Kebakaran dengan Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran lainnya

Juli 30, 2018

The fire Detecting Tube System is a popular

Fire Detecting Tube Device diakui sebagai alat pemadam kebakaran baru, itu banyak digunakan dalam proyek-proyek teknik praktis dan menjadi semakin populer.

Jadi dibandingkan dengan sistem pencegah kebakaran konvensional lainnya, what are the advantages of fire detection tube devices? And how to choose a fire detection tube to install in practical engineering?

Fire Detection tubes have their unique advantages, and are widely applied in electrical cabinets, terowongan kabel, sumur kabel, and some other smaller spaces, people in the social are pay more attention to this product, and it has become remembered and recommended by more and more people.

In the worldwide market now 3 styles of fire extinguishing agents can be applied in tube fire systems, ada:

  • 1. gas Karbon Dioksida.
  • 2. gas HFC-227ea.
  • 3. Gas NOVEC 1230.

In the Chinese market, saat sekarang, we mainly use carbon dioxide and HFC-227ea, and in the European and American markets now there is also NOVEC 1230.

This device is made up of a storage cylinder, menyedot tabung, katup wadah, pipa deteksi kebakaran, and pressure gauge, ketika kita memasang perangkat ini di ruang perlindungan sesuai dengan jarak tertentu, ketika kebakaran dimulai, tabung deteksi kebakaran di dekat api akan mendapatkan sensor panas, dan lokasi yang mencapai titik leleh akan mendapatkan peledakan, agen pemadam kebakaran kehabisan dengan cara outlet atau nosel, dan kemudian membanjiri bahaya total untuk menekan api.

aksesoris tabung deteksi kebakaran tidak langsung
aksesoris tabung deteksi api tidak langsung

Compare Chart of Fire Detecting Tube System and Other Fire Suppression System

Untuk menunjukkan kepada Anda mengapa perangkat ini semakin populer, below is a comparison chart between fire detection tube devices with other conventional fire suppression systems, melihat dari grafik di bawah ini Anda akan melihat perbedaan mereka, keuntungan, and features:

perbandingan Barang Api Supresi Sistem konvensional Api Detection System Tabung Perangkat
Obyek pelindung ruang tertutup besar seperti kebakaran objek pelindung, take the whole room as protection zone, tidak dapat menginstal dalam peralatan. There is a small space or cabinet in the large enclosed space and, sebagai contoh, a distribution cabinet, or communication cabinet, dalam perangkat.
Konstruksi dan Instalasi 1. Kompleks dalam konstruksi, dan masa konstruksi yang lama, membutuhkan ruang silinder khusus; 2. Butuh detektor asap dan detektor panas; 3. Tidak dapat mencapai ruang kecil untuk proteksi kebakaran; 4. pipa kompleks untuk menginstal. 1. Mudah untuk menginstal, dan masa konstruksi pendek, tidak memerlukan ruang silinder; 2. Tidak perlu detektor asap dan detektor panas; 3. Bisa dapat mencapai ruang kecil untuk proteksi kebakaran; 4. Mudah untuk menginstal.
Pemeliharaan dan Operasi 1. Perlu power supply api khusus; 2. As it has electronic components, easy to get false alarms because of oil, debu, and electromagnetic interference; 3. Electronics components will easy to lose operational function because of vibration and crash; 4. The System is a bit complex and needs a professional technician to do maintenance. 1. Do not need a power supply; 2. A fire detection tube is a non-mental tube, that will not be able to affected by oil, debu, or electromagnetic interference, not easy to get false alarms; 3. Not have electronic components; 4. The System is easy to do maintenance.
Kinerja keselamatan Design for total flooding of the fire protection room, menggunakan banyak pemadam kebakaran agen untuk menekan, ketika bekerja orang-orang harus meninggalkan Desain total banjir api untuk benda pelindung, kurang pemadam kebakaran agen untuk menekan, ketika bekerja orang tidak perlu meninggalkan.
Api pemadam Efektivitas 1. Tentang 30 detik delay sebelum memadamkan api, because it is controlled by a fire alarm panel and set 30 detik delay; 2. The fire extinguishing agent is discharged to the protection room, bukan untuk objek pelindung langsung. 1. Extinguishing the fire immediately when the fire detection tube detects out fire; 2. Extinguishing the fire immediately when the fire detection tube detects out fire.
sistem Biaya The system is complex and needs a special cylinder storage room, and also some have piping systems, engineering costs, and maintenance costs are very high. Sistem ini sederhana, does not need a special cylinder store, maximum to reduces engineering cost and maintenance costs.
Tabel perbandingan

From the above chart, we can see that compared with conventional gas fire suppression systems, Perangkat api tabung deteksi, and its system has many advantages.

sistem tabung deteksi kebakaran
Sistem tabung deteksi kebakaran


In practical engineering, we are more consider with 2 faktor, one Characteristics of a fire protection zone, lain adalah investasi teknik dan manajemen operasi dan biaya.

Begitu, When the protection zone is large in area or volume and needs to flood the room, use a conventional fire suppression system better, when the protection zone is small, sebagai contoh, an electrical cabinet, or elevator control cabinet, use a fire detection tube as solution because it is easy to install and low in cost.

Satu tabung pendeteksi api warna merah sangat panjang, the length is about 25 meters or 30 meters for each device, so one or two fire detection tube devices can make fire protection of several or even tens of electrical cabinets in the hazard, dan kemudian biaya rata-ratanya sangat rendah.

This system has come out of China and now many enterprises both in China and overseas have adopted it as a main fire prevention solution; Some research institutes and government organizations even strongly recommend this product for some specific fields.

sistem tabung deteksi kebakaran karbon dioksida co2
sistem tabung deteksi kebakaran karbon dioksida
lemari menginstal api mendeteksi sistem tabung
kebakaran sistem tabung otomatis sistem tabung deteksi kebakaran sistem tabung deteksi kebakaran karbon dioksida co2
produk perlindungan kebakaran pipa bawah tanah aerosol pemadam kebakaran generator dinding-mount uji sistem penekan co2

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