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Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Superfine DCP di Penyimpanan Arsip

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Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Superfine DCP di Penyimpanan Arsip

September 6, 2018

The First World War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945) burned many cultural relics and archives, after the Second World War, the archival undertaking developed and grew stronger and stronger, and many archival repository buildings were built, tapi meskipun perang dilewatkan sudah, repositori arsip masih mudah untuk mendapatkan api, sehingga sangat penting bagaimana membuat proteksi kebakaran untuk repositori arsip, bagaimana meningkatkan pemadam kebakaran teknologi untuk repositori arsip (arsip) adalah tantangan baru di depan kita.

Superfine ABC dry chemical powder fire extinguishing device is a good fire extinguishing agent that can suspended in the air and can bypass obstacles to spread to all corners, to extinguish the fire by total flooding or local application, mengembangkan bubuk kimia teknologi api pemadam kering untuk pencegah kebakaran otomatis, it is a coalition of nanotechnology and dry chemical technology, itu adalah berdiri untuk bubuk kimia kering tingkat kebakaran pemadam tertinggi dan arahnya berkembang.

Fire Protection Technology Requirement for Archival Repository and Its Application

Archival repositories have requirements for fire extinguishing technology, the requirements are as below:

  • SEBUAH. have a special requirement for a fire extinguishing agent, seharusnya tidak ada korosi, be non-toxic, agen bersih, and be eco-friendly, such as the fire extinguishing agent should have no corrosion to file carrier like paper, kain mikro, film, tape, disk yang dll, should not affect these file carriers.
  • B. has a special requirement for fire extinguishing methods, it requires the suppression of the fire at its early stage and quickly put out, untuk mencegah repositori arsip menderita kerusakan yang lebih besar, so requires all the fire suppression devices to be sensitive and reliable.

Halon-based fire suppression agents have been popular since the 1970s, because of their excellent fire performance, after halon fire extinguishing agents have been forbidden to be put into use since then the following fire suppression system can be suggested to put into use for archival repository applications.

api repositori arsip teknologi pemadam situasi aplikasi

  • 1. FM200 sistem pencegah kebakaran (agen HFC-227ea), its working principle is just similar to the halon fire extinguishing systems, belongs to the chemical fire suppression range, and it has a little corrosion to the skin, kertas, glass, and precision instrument.
  • 2. The carbon dioxide fire suppression system (sistem CO2), belongs to the physical fire suppression range, its fire extinguishing efficiency is low and not be able to extinguish early-stage fires, it requires a cylinder storage room also need many cylinders with a pipeline, and also needs high pressure to work, juga memiliki risiko asfiksia.
  • 3. Aerosol sistem pencegah kebakaran (Strontium nitrat atau kalium nitrat berbasis), The aerosol fire suppression system is similar to the ABC dry chemical powder fire suppression system and fits for archival repository very well.
  • 4. Inert Gas sistem pencegah kebakaran (IG541, IG01, IG100, IG55), its disadvantages are noise when it is discharging, high pressure and very dangerous also easy to get leakage, juga perlu jaringan pipa dan memadamkan api perlahan, biaya tinggi dalam instalasi dan purna jual pemeliharaan.
  • 5. kabut air sistem pencegah kebakaran (tekanan tinggi atau tekanan rendah), which belongs to the physical fire suppression concept, uses water as a fire extinguishing agent to suppress the fire, itu kertas basah dan kain dan membuat dan akan merusak arsip dan file.
  • 6. Prima ABC bubuk kimia kering sistem pemadaman api, the superfine ABC dry chemical powder fire extinguishing agent has an average particle diameter of no more than 20μm, this extinguishing agent is a clean agent and is an advanced fire suppression technology in the world, itu adalah nol di Pemanasan Global nilai Potensi, nol dalam nilai potensi penipisan lapisan ozon, non-irritating to human body skin, no corrosion and non-toxic to the protection objectives, also easy to clean up after discharge.

Product Recommendations

From the above description of different suppression systems, we strongly suggest installing a Prima ABC DRY CHEMICAL POWDER KEBAKARAN MEMADAMKAN PERANGKAT and its system in archival repositories (arsip), perpustakaan, museum, and any other important places.

garasi pencegah kebakaran aplikasi fasilitas hanggar

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