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Mendeteksi Penggunaan Sistem Tabung Kebakaran untuk Kabinet Distribusi Daya

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Mendeteksi Penggunaan Sistem Tabung Kebakaran untuk Kabinet Distribusi Daya

Juli 22, 2018

The detecting Tube Fire System is also called a fire-detecting automatic device, it is a simple structure and highly reliable fire extinguishing devices which have independent fire detection and fire extinguishing functions.

it uses a compliant bendable fire-detecting tube as a fire detection component, at the same time this fire-detecting tube can as a fire agent’s transportation tube and fire extinguishing tube. tabung merah compliant ini bisa mencapai di mana-mana di zona proteksi kebakaran, sekali terjadi kebakaran, it will heat to blast and release the fire extinguishing agent to suppress the fire.

a fire-detecting tube system can work for fire detection and fire extinguishing in power distribution cabinets, At home and abroad, many computer electrical cabinets, lemari distribusi daya, control boxes, and other similar cabinet spaces utilize this fire-detection tube system.

Detecting Tube Fire System Advantages

Its advantages are as follows:

  • No need for a power supply.
  • Tidak memerlukan untuk merancang untuk menggunakan sistem alarm kebakaran elektronik.
  • The fire-detecting tube has functions of fire detection and fire extinguishing.
  • Tanpa gangguan dari lingkungan kelembaban, debu, kotoran, elektromagnetisme, false alarm false tripping, sangat handal.
  • Menurut jenis api yang berbeda, it can be refilled with CO2, HFC-227ea, bahan kimia kering, novec1230, and some other extinguishing agent.
  • It can extinguish fire at a close range and direct-to-source to suppress fire, segera dan cepat.
  • With fewer extinguishing agents (gas extinguishing agents can minus about 80%), purchasing costs and maintenance costs are low.
  • Desain mereka sederhana, and installation is also easy and does not take extra space.
  • The fire-detecting tube has pressure, it’s bendable when the temperature arrives at its rated operating temperature it will melt down to release an extinguishing agent.

Why do electrical equipment and their control systems require fire suppression devices for protection?

a small fire in a cabinet will spread to another cabinet and the whole electrical equipment room, causing a big fire accident, we know electrical equipment is very expensive in any industrial or commercial field, dan peralatan listrik yang khas termasuk pusat kontrol motor (PKS), kabel Saluran, Papan distribusi, kabinet Capacitor, ruang kendali, UPS, Transformator, harness kabel dan lebih; dan api listrik terjadi karena faktor-faktor berikut:

  • Rakyat kesadaran api buruk, breaking the operating rules or improper use of electrical equipment.
  • Sirkuit overload atau hubungan pendek, sirkuit kebocoran.
  • isolasi Kegagalan.
  • Kontak buruk atau longgar.
  • Pekerjaan Instalasi faktor buruk dan lingkungan.
  • Penuaan kabel dan kualitas produk masalah.
  • Dan beberapa faktor eksternal lainnya.

Why choose a new technology for detecting tube fire systems for power distribution cabinets or electrical cabinets as a good solution?

The following reasons show why:

  • except for mini aerosol fire extinguishers, other conventional fire suppression systems (gas, busa, air) adalah untuk menutupi seluruh ruangan, when a fire occurs in the cabinet, sebelum asap deteksi kebakaran konvensional atau sensor panas dapat mendeteksi api, most the electrical cabinet or other equipment already suffered from damage.
  • Conventional fire suppression systems are very big in dimension and are not be able to placed inside the cabinet to suppress the fire.
  • Conventional fire suppression systems are expensive as they need to flood the room, need a lot of fire extinguishing agents to cover, and need a special cylinder storage room, but fire detecting tubes are very cost-effective, need fewer extinguishing agents, and do not need any cylinder storage room.

So the conventional fire suppression system has its limits, and in a power distribution cabinet or other style of electrical cabinet, a solution of using a fire detecting tube will be a very ideal solution.

Benefits of Fire-Detecting Tube

Installing a fire-detecting tube in electrical equipment and electrical cabinet, what the fire-detecting tube can:

  • The fire-detecting tube is placed inside the electrical equipment and cabinet space with an “S” shape laying out, fully insulated and it can read everywhere.
  • Early-time fire detection, when a fire occurs in electrical equipment and its cabinet, the fire-detecting tube nearest to the fire flame will blast to extinguish the fire.
  • After the blast the cylinder installed outside the electrical equipment and its cabinet will lose pressure, katup kontainer akan mulai bekerja untuk mendorong agen pemadam pemakaian keluar dari silinder dan transit agen pemadam mencapai titik api dengan cara api mendeteksi tabung atau nozzle pemadam khusus lainnya. It suppresses fire at its early stage immediately, untuk mengurangi kerusakan peralatan listrik dan lemari untuk minimum.

lemari menginstal api mendeteksi sistem tabung

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