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Generator Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering untuk Pabrik Petrokimia

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  • Generator Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering untuk Pabrik Petrokimia

    Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering, produk

    Petrochemical plants and their systems are always at high risk of fire, and we can use ultra-fine particle dry chemical Fire Suppression Generators as a fire prevention solution for such kinds of plants.

    As a rule, aerosol devices protect small objects and dry powders protect large protective areas.

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    In some China domestic and overseas projects we always install some dry chemical fire suppression generators in some petrochemical plants.

    Because the Petrochemical Plants are always large rooms and very complex in their systems, in a petrochemical plant perhaps there are power distribution systems, sistem pembangkit listrik, cable tunnel systems, computer systems, dan lemari listrik.

    Karena itu, in chemical plants, we install both small aerosol fire extinguishers and automatic dry chemical fire suppression facilities. Aerosols are used to protect small electrical equipment and dry powders are used to protect real factory areas.

    The petrochemical plants are very prone to fires and explosions, so dry powder systems play a very critical role in protecting chemical plants.

    The dry powder ejected from the fire extinguishing device can be evenly spread to the whole protection area, which can efficiently protect the safety of the chemical plant.

    Let’s go over the parameters of this amazing product, using the 5kg as an example.

    Chemical Plant Fire Extinguishing Equipment


    Technical Data of the Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Generator

    • Nomor model: FZX-ACT5/1.2 Pressurized Type.
    • Extinguishing Ability: 38 m3.
    • actuator Jenis: Electrically 3 untuk 24 Volts and Thermally.
    • Thermally Type: Cord termal (175℃) or Glass Bulb (57℃, 68℃, 79℃, 93℃).
    • Extinguishing Chemical Agent: Super-Fine ABC dry chemical.
    • Dry Chemical Filling Weight: 5000+250 gram.
    • Fire Extinguishing Device Diameter: 292 mm.
    • Api Berat Pemadam: 301 mm.
    • Protected Volumes: Kurang dari 50 meter kubik.
    • Coverage Area: ≤20.8 square meters.
    • Suhu Lingkungan Kerja: -40℃–+50℃.
    • Environment Humidity: ≤95%.
    • Driving Gas Pressure: 1.2 MPA(20℃).
    • Waktu Garansi: 1 tahun.
    • sertifikat: CE and ISO9001 certificated.
    • Installation method: Silakan merujuk ke Operation Manual of Pressurized Super-fine ABC Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Device.

    ABC kering api kimia penindasan deivce di ruang penyimpanan

    The thermal start function of this unit has several temperatures to choose from, they are 57℃, 68℃, 79℃, and 93℃. Biasanya, people prefer 68 dan 79 derajat.

    Cold areas will generally use lower action temperatures, while warm areas will generally use higher action temperatures.

    sistem proteksi kebakaran kimia kering ABC yang sangat halus

    This super-fine dry Chemical fire suppression generator FZX-ACT5/1.2 has the following advantages and features:

    • The spraying of ultrafine dry powder is relatively uniform and can effectively extinguish flames.
    • It can be applied to high-temperature and humid environments and is very flexible.
    • Ultra-fine fire extinguishing agents have small particle size, good fluidity, good resistance to re-ignition, and electrical insulation properties.
    • It can be used alone or in combination with multiple devices to form a non-pipe network fire extinguishing system.
    • This product has multiple starting methods, electric starting and hot starting.
    • The application range of ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing devices is wide, and they are suitable for various types of fires, such as common industries such as petroleum, bahan kimia, elektronik, printing, kayu, dll.

    Dibandingkan dengan jenis sistem pencegah kebakaran lainnya, the biggest advantage of ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing systems is that they can be installed in open protected areas. The following are its application ranges:

    • Pabrik petrokimia.
    • depot minyak.
    • Shipping Terminal.
    • Pembangkit listrik.
    • Underground Garage.
    • Airport.
    • Subway and stations.
    • Gymnasium.
    • Convention Center.
    • The Cinema.
    • Shopping arcade.
    • Arsip.
    • kabel Tunnel.
    • Pump station.
    • Underground Pipa Gallery.
    • Ruang komputer.

    Please note the following when debugging, menginstal, and repairing the ultrafine dry powder fire extinguishing system:

    • Please hire professional technicians or installers to carry out the work, and wear gloves and masks during the operation.
    • Selama instalasi, operators should not smoke to prevent ignition of the hot start components of the fire extinguishing device.
    • Except for operators, all unrelated personnel are prohibited from entering the installation and commissioning site.
    • Before installation and debugging, please check the product list, read the operating manual, and understand the precautions that need to be taken.

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