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Generator Bubuk Kimia Kering Pemadam Api Otomatis

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  • Generator Bubuk Kimia Kering Pemadam Api Otomatis

    Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering, produk

    This automatic fire extinguisher dry chemical powder generator is a fire extinguisher used to protect the logistics warehouse and storage space or store room from a potential risk of fire.

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    Ultra-fine ABC dry chemical powder fire generator is an automatic fire extinguisher, silently protecting the protective zone.

    This product is suitable for manned places, such as libraries, museum, dan arsip.

    Many fire extinguishing systems cannot be applied in places containing paper documents and cultural relics, but ultra-fine dry powder automatic fire extinguisher is another option because they can be applied in these important cultural relics with people present.

    It can automatically undertake firefighting tasks. If a fire breaks out in a museum, arsip, or library, the fire extinguisher can quickly start extinguishing the fire in a few seconds.

    Peralatan pemadam kebakaran bubuk kering di tempat parkir

    The main technical indicators of the product are as follows:

    • Modus Mulai: Electric start, thermal wire start, and thermo glass start.
    • Product Style: Pressure type.
    • Kemampuan Pemadaman Api: 20 untuk 100 meter kubik.
    • Api Supresi Waktu: 3 untuk 5 detik.
    • Concentration Range: 120 gram untuk 130 gram per meter kubik.
    • Tekanan Pekerjaan: 1.2 atau 1.5 Mpa.
    • Activation Power Supply: DC 3 untuk 24 Volt, AC 3 untuk 220 Volt.
    • Water Test Pressure: 2.1 Mpa.
    • Device Validity Period: 5 tahun.
    • Product Warranty Time: 1 Tahun.
    • Suhu bekerja: -10 ke +50℃.
    • Other Function: Perpindahan tekanan.
    • Standar: China GA578-2005, sesuai standar NFPA.

    The ultra-fine dry powder automatic fire extinguishing device does not corrode or damage cultural relics during spraying, which is its advantage.

    We strongly recommend this product for public places like this.

    sistem proteksi kebakaran kimia kering ABC yang sangat halus




    The main features of dry chemical powder automatic fire extinguishers are as follows:

    • Perangkat pencegah kebakaran teknologi baru dan inovatif.
    • Produk kualitas terbaik merek China dengan harga bagus.
    • Ini ramah lingkungan dengan persetujuan hijau.
    • Mudah dipasang dan biaya perawatannya rendah.
    • Fashion dalam penampilan dan penampilan.
    • Sederhana dalam struktur.
    • With the activation of a thermo bulb, kabel termal, and electrical wire.
    • Tidak memerlukan jaringan pipa apa pun untuk bekerja.
    • Bekerja secara otomatis dan manual tersedia.
    • Floor flooding for fire protection or local application for fire extinguishing purposes.

    Jangkauan penerapannya di luar imajinasi kita. Anda dapat menggunakannya di industri apa pun:

    • Bengkel dan ruang pabrik.
    • Arsip.
    • Perpustakaan.
    • Rumah sakit dan beadhouse.
    • Restaurants and hotels.
    • Health-care center.
    • Gedung-gedung tinggi.
    • Supermarkets or departments.
    • Ruang pusat data komputer.
    • Ruang brankas bank atau asuransi.
    • Terowongan kabel dan lainnya.
    • Stock room.
    • Recarod room.

    Untuk lebih lanjut, silakan bertanya dari kami atau berdiskusi dengan kami secara langsung.

    This device is suitable for Class A, kelas B, dan kebakaran Kelas C:

    • Class A fire includes Combustible solids such as cotton, wool, linen, kertas, rubber, plastik, tembakau, dll.
    • Class B fire includes Combustible liquids such as crude oil, minyak berat, disel, gasoline, dll.
    • Class C fire including Gas, liquefied gas, gas alam, ethanol, dll.

    It cannot extinguish lively metal fires or fires that can oxidize when exposed to air.

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