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Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Mobil Balap untuk Kendaraan Perahu dan Bus

» Blog kami » Race Car Fire Suppression System for Boats and Buses Vehicles

Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Mobil Balap untuk Kendaraan Perahu dan Bus

Maret 6, 2018

Sejak pendirian kami, we have engaged in research and produced new kinds of products installed in vehicles like race cars, mesin bus, car batteries, boat engines, dan seterusnya.

Dengan beberapa tahun pembangunan sekarang kami memiliki kreasi highly effective fire suppression systems for buses and boats, we sometimes call it a boat fire suppression generator or a bus and car fire suppression system, it is a pre-engineered fire suppression system for yachts, perahu, and bus vehicles such like that.

Features of the Racing Car Fire Suppression System

This device is available in many different small spaces and features:

  • Ramah lingkungan.
  • Potensi Penipisan Lapisan Ozon ODP adalah nol.
  • Potensi Pemanasan Global GWP juga nol.
  • ALT Atmospheric Life Time juga nol.
  • Tidak konduktif.
  • Non korosif.
  • Tidak ada residu setelah pemakaian.
  • Cost Effective with a density of less than 100 gram per meter kubik.
  • Tidak ada jaringan perpipaan.
  • Pengosongan Instan dalam beberapa menit.
  • Do not require a Pressurized Cylinder to work.
  • Bekerja dengan cepat dan pemadaman api seketika.
  • Bekerja Pencegah kebakaran yang cepat dan instan Cepat&instalasi dasar langsung di internal mesin atau baterai kompartemen.
  • deteksi kebakaran dini.
  • sangat Ekonomis.

For more features of this product, silakan merujuk ke the documentation.

kendaraan sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol pemadam api mobil


It is called by some people a Boat Fire Suppression System because it prevents damage to all expansive equipment or important compartments, which can occur by cause of a fire accident, sebagai contoh, mesin perahu, baterai kapal, the yacht oil tanks are easy to catch fire and get damaged.
it makes your boat functional and minimizes repairs.


It can be used in bus engines, mesin truk, mesin mobil, heavy-duty engine, and their battery box, so we call it a vehicle fire suppression generator or system.

A vehicle engine and its components like its battery room make it very easy to get a fire after a long journey running, but at present, many vehicle production enterprises will install a good fire suppression system on their vehicles before leaving the factory.

Many fire suppression system is installed in vehicles after being put into use, also vehicle distributors or buyers do not easily choose a good fire suppression generator for their vehicles.

Tetapi sistem pencegah kebakaran kami dapat memiliki solusi ini, our mini aerosol fire extinguisher has a series ranging from 30 gram untuk 3000 gram, and the size of each is different for different vehicle compartments and boat compartments, they can be well installed in small spaces like boat engine, mesin bus, and other vehicle compartments.

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