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Sistem Aerosol Pemadam Api Mikro untuk Mesin CNC

» Blog kami » Micro Fire-Extinguishing Aerosol Systems for CNC Machines

Sistem Aerosol Pemadam Api Mikro untuk Mesin CNC

Oktober 11, 2019

mesin CNC short for “komputer mesin kontrol numerik, are automated milling devices that make industrial components without direct human assistance.

Ada berbagai jenis mesin CNC, but the most common ones are milling machines, lathes, and grinders.

Namun, the CNC machines are not only very expensive for each device, but also work every 7/24 hours in operation very easy to get a fire and the fire destroys them.
So that the workshop owners are always suffering from a great loss.

Now not only in China but also all over the world showing interest in installing a small size and highly effective fire suppression device inside the CNC machines, salah satu jenis kecil api berdasarkan ukuran aerosol pemadam perangkat karena datang ke dalam penglihatan orang.

Analysis of Causes

Why do people like the fire extinguishing aerosol system device in CNC machines, kami daftar keluar poin berikut:

  • titik satu, We can make the aerosol fire suppression devices in very small sizes, and not take up much space in the CNC machines.
  • titik dua, it is a standalone system with fire detection and fire suppression functions, not required to work with any other fire alarm systems like fire control panel, pendeteksi asap, detektor panas, indikator pelepasan gas, dll.
  • Point three belongs to a new advanced technology that makes it highly effective, agen bersih, ramah lingkungan, and not have a bad effect on machines and equipment.
  • koma empat, beberapa faktor lain, like other gas suppression systems, are very complex and very large.

Feasibility Description of Aerosol Application in CNC Machines

In practice and after many actual tests it proven that the aerosol fire extinguishing system and its device are very suitable for installation in CNC machines.

Inside a CNC machine space, the temperature is always a bit high, and the working temperature of an aerosol fire extinguishing device is normally from -40 untuk +108 derajat Celsius, so an aerosol system is very suitable to install in a CNC machine space.

An Aerosol system is good to install in CNC machines, one method is to use an installation bracket and its screws to fix the aerosol inside the CNC machine space, itu bisa diperbaiki di atas, or the side, lain adalah dengan menggunakan lem magnetik dan 3M untuk mematuhi ke langit-langit atas atau samping mesin CNC.

The Aerosol system works to flood the whole CNC machine spaces to suppress the fire, it runs out of the fog-alike aerosol compound and quickly reaches everywhere in the CNC machine spaces to extinguish the fire.

We kindly recommend thermal cord activation of the aerosol fire extinguishing device atau thermo bulb activation of the aerosol fire suppression generator inside the CNC machine because using them does not require any fire alarm system to work with, dan begitu mudah untuk menginstal.

Aerosol Basic Specification

Aerosol has the following basic specifications:

  • Aerosol fire extinguishing agents are very highly effective.
  • density desain yang sebenarnya: tidak lebih dari 100 gram per meter kubik
  • jarak aman: 1.5 meter.
  • pemakaian waktu: dalam 30 detik
  • Api jarak pertempuran keselamatan: 0.3 meter.
  • Masa hidup: 10 tahun
  • Api jenis penindasan: SEBUAH, B, C, E, F
  • cerat Suhu: tidak lebih dari 200 derajat Celsius (5jarak mm dari nosel)
  • Haruskah permukaan suhu: tidak lebih dari 100 derajat Celsius.
  • modus instalasi: oleh braket pemasangan atau magnet dengan lem 3M
  • Suhu bekerja: -40 untuk +108 derajat Celsius.
  • Suhu bekerja: ≤95%
  • Daya Kerja: DC 3 untuk 24 volt (atau AC3 ke 380 volt).
  • mulai saat Minimum: lebih dari 250 MA 5 milidetik.
  • saat ini keamanan maksimum: tidak lebih dari 150 MA per minute.

An Example

Bagaimana kita merancang pemadam kebakaran sistem aerosol di ruang mesin CNC, dengan ini kami daftar keluar contoh di bawah ini:

A compact center-less style internal grinder with a size of 690 mm panjangnya, 670 mm in width, dan 450 mm in height requires to design of a small fixed aerosol fire extinguishing device to protect.

pertama, menghitung volume perlindungan mesin, itu adalah 0.69m * 0.67m * 0.45m dan datang ke 0.20 meter kubik.

Kedua, to choose which quantity of aerosol and which model to install in this machine, we have already calculated out the protection volume is 0.2 meter kubik, so the required aerosol device can cover this volume, kepadatan desain aerosol kami adalah 100 gram per meter kubik, dan model terkecil kami adalah 30 gram perangkat aerosol, jadi Model Number AW-QH-30TH(atau AW-QH-30ST) is needed to design and install in this grinder machine.

So you can see only a small capacity of the aerosol device can be installed inside the expensive grinder machine, so it is cost-effective and workable.

Di Tiongkok, we have installed many aerosol devices inside the CNC machines for many manufacturer companies and small workshops, and also in the overseas market we have many cases if readers of this article have some similar project which will require a fire suppression system to cover the CNC machines, maka jangan ragu untuk memberitahu kami tahu, kami ingin untuk merancang dan layanan untuk Anda.

More Applications for Fire-Extinguishing Aerosol Systems

Aerosol devices not only be able to installed in CNC machines but also can be able to used in some of the following similar spaces:

  • ruang ruang mesin kendaraan.
  • ruang ruang mesin turbin angin
  • ruang ruang mesin kapal
  • ATM spaces
  • ruang Kabinet listrik dan Control Panel
  • Beberapa kandang kecil atau semi-kandang lainnya spasi.

Conclusion and feedback

Some people do not like to install a small fire suppression device inside the CNC machine the reason is that the machines seldom catch fire or there is zero possibility of catching fire, in their real operation it is true seldom a fire in a CNC machine, but once a CNC gets a fire, maka seluruh bengkel dan peralatan mereka dan kargo akan mendapatkan kehancuran bahkan dalam satu malam.

In China in our city there is a block company that produces bus energy that caught fire in one workshop and caused a loss of USD1500000, the cause of the fire is that one milling machine operated for a long time and melted the electrical cable to catch fire, jadi pertimbangkan ini adalah Anda masih berpikir tidak perlu untuk memiliki pemadam kebakaran perangkat yang terpasang di dalam mesin CNC? This is a serious question we need to think about.

sistem pencegah kebakaran aerosol untuk panel kontrol kabinet listrik

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