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Sistem Pemadam Api Aerosol Berdiri Lantai

» produk » Aerosol Api Sistem pemadam » Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Lantai Berdiri
  • Sistem Pemadam Api Aerosol Berdiri Lantai

    Aerosol Api Sistem pemadam, produk

    The 5000-gram of floor standing aerosol fire extinguishing device system AW-QRR5LW/S is for total flooding a fire in an enclosed space.

    It is mainly used in medium-sized fire protection areas, seperti ruang generator, ruang distribusi, dll.

    • spesifikasi
    • Fitur Utama
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    • Informasi lebih

    5 kg capacity of the aerosol fire extinguishing device is a fire extinguisher with outstanding fire extinguishing capabilities, which can cover a volume of 35 meter kubik.

    Its main targets are small and medium-sized enclosed rooms, such as diesel generator rooms, ruang distribusi, ruang transmisi, dll.

    Some small fire spaces are difficult to design pipeline systems, so this 5-kilogram aerosol sistem pemadam kebakaran naturally became a good solution.

    Our product has been very popular since 2007, and many customers have been attracted by its appearance. Through fire extinguishing tests, they found that the product’s performance is also excellent, so they are very optimistic about the market prospects of this product.

    Through subsequent practice, it has been proven that this floor-standing aerosol fire extinguishing system is indeed an excellent product for small fire prevention and control.

    Sistem perangkat pencegah kebakaran aerosol berdiri di lantai 5 kgs

    Below is the basic datasheet of this 5 kg floor standing series aerosol fire extinguishing system:

    • Model: AW-QRR5LW / S.
    • Suhu Operasional: -20℃ untuk + 55 ℃.
    • Environmental humidity: ≤95%.
    • Konsentrasi Desain: 140 gram per meter kubik.
    • Tegangan Operasi: DC 3 ~ 24V / AC 3 ~ 220V.
    • Operasi Saat Ini: 1A / 5ms.
    • Maximum Safe Current: ≤150mA / 5 menit.
    • Minimum Operating Current: 250rnA/5ms.
    • Spesifikasi dan Ukuran: 410x310x690 mm.
    • Volume Cakupan: 35 m³.
    • Massa Bahan Pemadam Kebakaran: 5000 gram.
    • Mode Aktivasi: Electric or Electronics.
    • Warna: White Color Painted or as OEM Service.
    • Berat kotor: 30 kilogram.
    • Berat bersih: 5 kilogram.
    • Masa hidup: 7 untuk 10 tahun.
    • Kelas Pemadam Kebakaran: Kelas A, kelas B, kelas C, kelas E.
    • Waktu pengiriman: 5 untuk 10 hari-hari.

    Catatan: The following is an introduction to another similar product:

    Sistem Supresi dinding Gunung Aerosol Api

    Fitur utama produk ini adalah sebagai berikut:

    • Fire extinguishing agents are environmentally friendly, tak beracun, dan tidak korosif.
    • Based on advanced hot aerosol fire extinguishing technology.
    • Mudah untuk menginstal, just place it on the ground and connect it with the correct wires.
    • ODP = 0, ALT = 0, GWP = 0.
    • No pressurized, silinder dan aerosol bubuk tidak perlu tekanan untuk bekerja.
    • Berkualitas tinggi dengan teknologi baru dan inovatif dalam industri alat pemadam kebakaran.
    • Tested and certified with approvals.
    • Rendah dalam perawatan setiap tahun, no need for annual inspection.
    • It can quickly extinguish fires.
    • It both can total flooding and local application in the fire hazards.

    Condensed Floor Standing Aerosol Fire Suppression and extinguishing Device Systems are installed in an enclosed room or space for total flooding the hazard fire. Seperti data komputer ruang tengah, ruang pengolahan, arsip, museum, Perpustakaan, ruang kontrol, ruang server, di lepas pantai, otomotif, tidak ada istirahat kamar, ruang komunikasi, ruang generator listrik, gardu transformator, Ruangan gardu distribusi, ganti kamar, and switch-gear, ruang kontrol listrik, Ruang penyimpanan minyak, kendaraan.

    Industri terdaftar berikut tersedia::

    • Industri Pertambangan.
    • The Wind Power Industry.
    • Industri Komunikasi.
    • Industri Daya.
    • Industri Transportasi.
    • Industri Perminyakan dan Petrokimia.
    • Industri Konstruksi.
    • Industri Metalurgi.

    Because floor-standing aerosols are generally placed on the ground If the weather is humid, the fire extinguishing agent in the cartridge can easily deteriorate due to moisture, So we suggest placing a wooden board or iron plate at the bottom of the aerosol during installation to better protect the quality of the aerosol device.

    Floor-mounted aerosols are generally used in engineering projects, and the weight of fire extinguishing agents can range from 2.5 kilogram untuk 10 kilogram, which can be customized according to customer real requirements.

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