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Aerosol Fire Prevention Systems for Power Generator Room

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  • Aerosol Fire Prevention Systems for Power Generator Room

    Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol, produk

    This is a non-toxic, tidak konduktif, and environmentally friendly aerosol fire extinguisher generator, we strongly recommend it to be installed in autobus engine compartments.
    To make every bus and car safe.

    • spesifikasi
    • Own Features
    • Aplikasi
    • More Notes

    Do aerosol fire prevention systems for power generator room?”, Some partners ask this question.

    Jawaban kami adalah “yesbecause the power generator room is usually an enclosed space and aerosol devices are specifically designed for use in total flooded enclosed space fires.

    The generator room is an important place for power supply, where there are a large number of power supply equipment. If a fire occurs, the losses will be very large.

    Power Generator Room Aerosol Fire Prevention System

    Basic Data of Aerosol Fire Prevention Systems

    So if we can install aerosol fire prevention systems in this room, maka kita tidak akan khawatir tentang kebakaran, below are the basic data and parameters of an aerosol fire extinguisher with 500 kapasitas gram:

    • Generic Name: Aerosol-based fire prevention systems.
    • Gaya: 500E.
    • pemadam Volume: 5 m³.
    • Mass of Aerosol Powder: 500 gram.
    • Konsentrasi Desain: 100 gram per meter kubik.
    • Specification of the Product: 126*126*184 milimeter, or as the customer’s design size.
    • Launch Mode: catu daya listrik dengan DC 3 untuk 24 volt, AC 3 untuk 220 volt.
    • Material silinder: 304 besi tahan karat.
    • The Colour of the Aerosol Agent: is brown.
    • Main Oxidants of Aerosol Powder: strontium nitrat dan kalium nitrat.
    • Weight of the Device: 3500 gram.
    • Outgassing Time: tidak lebih dari 30 detik.
    • Service Time: 10 tahun.
    • Fire Extinguishing Rating: Kelas A, B, C, E, F.

    Item 500E aerosol extinguisher is an electrical activation mode suppression device, This fire extinguisher can be activated with a voltage input of 3 untuk 24 volt.

    Tentu saja, for safety reasons, we can also choose a dual-start aerosol fire extinguisher, model number AW-QH-500E/TH.

    The advantage of dual-start aerosol fire extinguishers is that there are two guarantees in the starting method:

    • Electricity Start-up.
    • Thermal sensitive wires(kabel termal) Memulai.

    sistem pemadam kebakaran otomatis untuk transformator sakelar ruang distribusi tenaga listrik gardu induk

    There may be some small cabinets in the generator room, and we recommend installing our mini fire extinguishers for these small cabinets- Sebuah small-capacity fire extinguisher.

    sistem pemadam kebakaran aerosol mini

    Compared with other piping extinguishing systems, this aerosol fire prevention system has the following features and advantages:

    • Not having any pressure to work, the aerosol agent is without cylinder pressure, jadi aman untuk transportasi, in which some gaseous fire suppression system has pressure and are not safe.
    • Easy to do the installation job, because it does not have a pipeline network.
    • Konsentrasi tinggi dan efisiensi pemadaman api yang tinggi.
    • Rendah dalam pemeliharaan, karena tidak memerlukan inspeksi tahunan dan non-pipa.
    • It does not have pollution to the environment, nilai penipisan lapisan ozonnya adalah nol, karena tidak memerlukan inspeksi tahunan dan non-pipa.

    It is widely applied in many industries and fields:

    • Pembangkit listrik dan ruangannya.
    • Stasiun transformator.
    • Pangkalan gardu induk dan ruangannya.
    • Hotel dan restoran.
    • Pesawat terbang.
    • Kendaraan otomatis.
    • Penyimpanan energi terbarukan.
    • Supermarket and high-rise buildings.
    • Perpustakaan, museum, and archives.
    • Jaringan pipa bawah tanah.
    • ruang listrik.
    • Pembangkit listrik.
    • Pembangkit siaga.
    • Generator diesel.
    • Ini dapat diterapkan secara luas di bidang-bidang berikut:.
    • Ruang mesin.
    • Aula turbin.
    • Ruang baterai.
    • Sistem manajemen daya.
    • Ruang mekanik.
    • Sistem tenaga darurat.
    • Stasiun pangkalan kereta api dll.


    "karena tidak memerlukan inspeksi tahunan dan non-pipa?", karena tidak memerlukan inspeksi tahunan dan non-pipa.

    We have to say that for confined space it is very effective because it is designed density is 100 gram per meter kubik, which means a 1000-gram aerosol compound will be able to cover a 10 karena tidak memerlukan inspeksi tahunan dan non-pipa.

    In some European companies, their aerosol design density could be 50 untuk 100 gram per meter kubik, karena tidak memerlukan inspeksi tahunan dan non-pipa, but they are not as eco-friendly as our products.

    Formulir Kirim ( kami akan kembali Anda sesegera mungkin )


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