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Sistem Aerosol Pemadam Kebakaran di Fasilitas Pertambangan

» produk » Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol » Fire Extinguishing Aerosol System in Mining Facilities
  • Sistem Aerosol Pemadam Kebakaran di Fasilitas Pertambangan

    Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol, produk

    our automatic effective fire extinguishing aerosol system device is an IP67 waterproof, EC DNVGL certificated solution for protection against enclosed special hazards, it has advanced and newest aerosol technology, which uses strontium nitrate and potassium nitrate as the main oxidant, it is a halon replacement product and hydrofluorocarbon alternative product.

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    All over the world, there are many mines, di Afrika Selatan, Afrika, Cina, Australia, Amerika, dll, Ada besar atau kecil di sana, and doing job in a Mining is work. Di setiap Pertambangan juga ada banyak fasilitas penambangan di sana, fasilitas penambangan ini selalu terbakar setelah kelebihan beban bekerja.

    People are always trying to find a good way to suppress fire in mining facilities, according to research, experienced people find that a fire detection tube or aerosol fire extinguishing system is very suitable to apply in Mining facilities.

    mining Vehicle Fire Suppression Device

    Dengan ini kami ingin merekomendasikan model baru perangkat sistem aerosol pemadam kebakaran untuk diterapkan di fasilitas pertambangan, To suppress fire in case of a fire, kami merekomendasikan nomor model 200 gram peralatan pemadam kebakaran aerosol, model number, and their parameters as below:

    • Nomor model.: 200E, 200TH, 200ST.
    • Ukuran: Diameter 101*130 mm.
    • Oksidan utama: Strontium Nitrat dan Kalium Nitrat.
    • Bahan silinder: 304 atau 316 besi tahan karat.
    • Volume perlindungan: 2.0 meter kubik, ruang tertutup.
    • Dosis Aerosol:200 gram.
    • Modus aktivasi: Catu daya listrik, kabel termal, and glass bulbs(bohlam kaca JOB).
    • Warna Generator: warna stainless steel dengan pemolesan.
    • Silinder: High-quality of 304 Besi tahan karat.
    • Berat Generator: 1450 gram.
    • pengosongan Waktu: 14 detik.
    • Waktu hidup layanan: 10 tahun ke 15 tahun.
    • Kelas Api untuk ditekan: Api kelas A, B, C, F.
    • Unit per kotak karton: 4.
    • Ukuran kotak karton: desain OEM.
    • Waktu pengiriman: A sample or small quantity of order 3 untuk 15 hari-hari, pesanan besar adalah tentang 10-20 hari-hari.
    • Kondisi pengiriman: jika pesanan kecil, lalu sarankan dengan express; and if big order, kemudian sarankan melalui laut atau udara sebagai gantinya.

    You can ask us for an instructional Video demo, untuk menunjukkan cara mengoperasikan sistem aerosol pemadam api tahan air.

    Aerosol diakui sebagai sistem pencegah kebakaran yang bersih, according to European, American, Australian, and Chinese standards, aerosol is proven to have the following features:

    • Sangat efektif dalam pemadaman kebakaran, it suppresses fire with little aerosol compound.
    • Sangat cepat untuk memadamkan api, it suppresses fire in a few seconds.
    • Agen bersih, seperti NOVEC1230 dan HFC-227ea.
    • Hal ini ramah lingkungan, with characteristics of ODP=0, ALT = 0, and GWP=0.
    • It also does not have any corrosion to precision equipment after release.
    • It causes little residue after release.
    • Itu tidak beracun, that mice in a test after aerosol release will not die after 3 hari-hari.
    • It uses high-quality 304 stainless steel sebagai silinder, while other fire suppression devices only with common carbon metal cylinders.
    • Ini kompak, ringan, dan menghemat ruang, it is versatile to install everywhere in an enclosed space as special hazards fire protection.
    • Yang paling penting, ini IP67 tahan air, after you drop it into the water for a few hours and then take it out, the aerosol device can still work.

    Our high-level fire extinguishing aerosol system device could be applied in the following fields:

    • Kendaraan Laut dan Kapal Laut.
    • Wind turbines in the new energy industry.
    • kendaraan on-road dan off-road, seperti bus, bus sekolah, mobil, pelatih, truk, tugas berat, buldoser, excavator, crane, and heavy equipment.
    • Fasilitas penyimpanan energi baterai.
    • Bangunan komersial dan bisnis.
    • Laboratorium.
    • Keperluan.
    • Rak kontrol tata surya
    • Fasilitas Gen-set.
    • Fasilitas telekomunikasi.
    • Fasilitas mesin manufaktur.
    • pusat kontrol motor.
    • Rumah Pompa Terpencil.
    • Mesin Cetak dan mesin CNC.
    • Ruang pembangkit listrik dan fasilitas pembangkit listrik.
    • Minyak dan gas darat.
    • High-speed way transportation facilities.
    • nampan kabel dan lemari listrik.
    • financial department's ATMs.
    • Peralatan angkat.
    • Kompartemen baterai, seperti asam timbal.
    • Fasilitas Penyimpanan Energi Baterai.
    • penyimpanan cairan yang mudah terbakar.
    • Tanaman obat.
    • perlindungan saluran non-eksplosif.
    • pengumpul debu non-eksplosif.
    • Robot.
    • Fasilitas Pengolahan Makanan.
    • Fasilitas penyimpanan bahan kimia.
    • Lemari asam tertutup.
    • Switch-gigi
    • Lemari listrik dan panel kontrol.
    • Keselamatan dan Penyelamatan.
    • Transportasi dan Mobilitas.
    • Logistics vehicles and their facilities.

    The environment in mining areas is generally very harsh, Mining machinery is prone to fire under the influence of high temperatures and mountainous environments.

    It is necessary to install a fire extinguisher with a simple structure and high fire extinguishing efficiency for mining machinery.

    The fire-extinguishing aerosol system is a very good fire-extinguishing system for mining facilities, We have installed it in many mining projects abroad:

    • Chilean mines.
    • South African mines.
    • Brazilian mines.
    • Indonesian mines.

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