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Alat pemadam aerosol MINISOL kami dikenal di seluruh dunia karena sifat uniknya.
Fitur yang paling menonjol dari produk pemadam api aerosol klasik ini adalah sebagai berikut:
The aerosol fire extinguisher has a separate set of design formulas, as it is generally used in relatively small spaces, such as power distribution cabinets, car engine compartments, lithium energy storage batteries, wadah penyimpanan energi, dll. The engineering design will be relatively simple.
This aerosol extinguisher formula is as below photo shows:
From the above photo, it shows:
To help us better understand this formula, let’s take the example of an electrical distribution cabinet.
The Distribution cabinet dimension is 1000x800x300mm, then how do you design the minisol aerosol fire extinguisher?
The design formulas for MINISOL and TINY aerosols are simple, only need to follow the above steps to calculate the dosage.
If it involves aerosol design in larger spaces, silahkan baca artikel berikut ini: Big Space Aerosol Design Formula.
Tentu saja, as we are experts in the fields of aerosol fire extinguishing systems, you can also contact our customer service, penjualan, and technical personnel for any questions or concerns regarding aerosol design. They will provide positive answers to your questions.