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Kunjungan Perdana Proyek Sistem Penekan Bubuk Kimia Kering

» Blog kami » Premier Visit Dry Chemical Powder Suppression System Project

Kunjungan Perdana Proyek Sistem Penekan Bubuk Kimia Kering

Agustus 19, 2017

On the Same day September 25, 2015, it is a sunny autumn day a special visitor our China premier “Bapak. Li Keqiang”, visited our other underground pipe gallery which is to install a Pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Powder Suppression System.

Bapak. Li KeQiang again visited our underground project and again spoke highly of us, we are very surprised by our premier’s apprise, dan juga kami berjanji kepada premier kami bahwa kami akan meningkatkan teknologi dan produk kami selamanya, untuk meningkatkan tingkat total produksi kami dan teknologi canggih.

For this other Underground Pipe Gallery, we use our Bertekanan ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Perangkat sebagai gantinya, which the device is also very easy to install and maintain.
Memiliki 3 activation methods, satu adalah listrik, another is a thermal cord, and the third is a thermo bulb, In this project, we use electrical activation only.

Selanjutnya, this other underground pipe gallery project is 10 kilometers long and uses over 2000 set perangkat kimia kering bertekanan kami dalam proyek.
Every one of our technician installers installs the device very seriously and carefully, to make every device with zero default.

Seperti yang kita tahu, the underground pipe gallery is a special place where it is very hard to find a suitable fire suppression system, tapi kami dry chemical powder pemadam kebakaran perangkat dan kami Wall-mount pemadam kebakaran aerosol can help.
We have a real installation reference/case for them, this is to certify that we can install our fire extinguisher device for underground facilities.

More Applications

Tapi setelah Anda membaca ini Anda akan bertanya: “Do we can install your product in some other applications?”.
Jawaban kami adalah 100% benar, our products are also used in the following but not limited to:

  • Wind Power nacelles.
  • Big supermarket.
  • Gudang bisnis besar atau ruang penyimpanan.
  • ruang komputer.
  • Pengolahan Data Kamar.
  • Gedung-gedung bertingkat.
  • Sumur Kabel dan Terowongan Kabel.
  • Stasiun bus dan stasiun kereta api.
  • Fasilitas Telekomunikasi.
  • ruang kontrol dan panel kontrol.
  • ruangan PABX.
  • High-Value equipment.
  • Ruang Mesin Kelautan.
  • Ruang Mesin.

If you have a real project, please just feel free to let me know we will surprise you.

sistem pemadam kebakaran galeri pipa bawah tanah

pemadam api bubuk kimia kering untuk pipa bawah tanah

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