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Particulate Rocket Technology Portable Aerosol Fire Extinguishers

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Particulate Rocket Technology Portable Aerosol Fire Extinguishers

Juni 1, 2017

Main Description of Portable Aerosol Fire Extinguishers

Many people know of fire extinguishers which are based on extinguishing agents of carbon dioxide, bubuk kimia kering, and foam, you can see them in public places, seperti di perkantoran, rumah sakit, restoran, high-rise buildings residential houses, dll.

Mereka biasanya ditempatkan di sudut ruangan. the bottle body is painted red, dan itu besar dan berat. dengan ini kami memanggil mereka “alat pemadam api konvensional”.

Hari ini, we are willing to make an introduction of our new product- an aerosol-based portable fire extinguisher, generally, we call it a hand-held aerosol fire extinguisher or cartridge aerosol fire extinguisher.

Di Tiongkok, seldom manufacturer produces a aerosol portabel pemadam kebakaran tapi kita adalah satu, kami memiliki teknologi eksklusif untuk membuat produk ini sangat kecil dan efisien, we take strontium nitrate and potassium nitrate as the main oxidants, which are high-quality chemicals that can make the fire extinguisher works more efficiency and more stable.

Now let us focus on this portable fire extinguishing product and describe its dimensions, parameter, fitur, and functions.

1. Nama produk Deskripsi:
Nama: aerosol portabel pemadam kebakaran, genggam pemadam kebakaran aerosol, Mini cartridge kecil pemadam kebakaran aerosol, aerosol api-buster.

2. Parameter produk dan Spesifikasi:
model nomor. Ukuran Aktivator Kelas Api
8B-P1(PSE-1) 52*340mm/45 gram A,8B, C, E keramik piezoelektrik
8B-P1(PSE-2) 52*387mm/80 gram A,13B, C, E keramik piezoelektrik

portabel aerosol api seri pemadam keluarga

Keunggulan Produk

3. Keuntungan

  • 1. Teknologi Inovatif Suppression Aerosol Api.
  • 2. Ramah lingkungan,ODP = 0, GWP = 0, ALT = 0.
  • 3. Tidak konduktif, non-korosif, tak beracun, tidak ada residu setelah debit.
  • 4. Put out a fire of A, B, C, E, F, and Small Fire.
  • 5. Handal dan Tahan Lama.
  • 6. Non-pressure storage and no piping compared with another traditional fire extinguisher.
  • 7. Sangat kecil dan kompak.
  • 8. Free from maintenance and no need for yearly inspection.
  • 9. Lebih dari 10 rentang tahun hidup.
  • 10. biaya Efektif.
  • 11. Bersertifikat dan Disetujui, SGS, EC, Rhos, and Germanischer Lloyd issued by DNV company.

Operation and Use

4. Cara Mengoperasikan dan penggunaan

  • Langkah 1: Ambil pemadam kebakaran dari pemegang.
  • Langkah 2: Rotate the transparent ring until the red start button appears.
  • Langkah 3: Tekan tombol start merah.
  • Langkah 4: Pegang pegangan ekor, and aim the nozzle at the fire flame.
  • Langkah 5: You extinguish the fire by up and down, left and right until the fire flame is extinguished.


5. Aplikasi atau Lingkup Gunakan
pabrik lokakarya, Tempat umum, dapur, keluarga, kendaraan, perahu, kapal pesiar, bis, mobil, truk, konfigurasi kit darurat, perusahaan asuransi, kantor, rumah, pemerintah
all places use CO2 fire extinguishers, alat pemadam api busa, water-based fire extinguishers, and dry chemical powder fire extinguishers can also be able to use portable aerosol fire extinguishers.

Attention Matter

6. perhatian

  • SEBUAH. Jauhkan jauh dari anak-anak, forbid the child to play for it at any time.
  • B. Tidak bertujuan itu pada setiap orang.
  • C. Jangan sentuh silinder merah dan nozzle setelah digunakan.
  • D. Jangan membagi pemadam kebakaran pribadi setiap saat.

We are honored to have this product as it is with high technology, pintar, kecil, and not only halon-alternative but also conventional fire extinguisher replacement products.
The PSE-1 or PSE-2 is normally for a small car and small vehicles and offices, insurance companies, bank, kantor polisi, kapal yacht, households, dan seterusnya.

As the portable aerosol fire extinguisher is with new technology and has its advantages, shortly it will be popular in the market we think.

When you inquire from us about this new type of fire extinguisher please feel free to contact our sales or technicians for more details so that make our best model no. cocok untuk aplikasi Anda yang sebenarnya.

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