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Tentang “Bubuk Dry Chemical Sistem pemadam Gudang Logistik.
Industri pergudangan berkembang begitu pesat di seluruh dunia, terutama dengan berkembangnya e-commerce, pergudangan membuat gudang logistik bertambah lebih cepat.
Jutaan kargo disimpan di gudang sehingga pengelola harus memastikan keawetannya, stabilitas, dan keamanan gudang.
Ketika penyimpanan kargo semakin api, the economic loss because of disruption of the logistics chain is very huge, this will have a bad effect on the companies and their clients.
So we need to do a good job for warehouse fire safety, untuk melindungi kargo di aman, dan untuk mengurangi bahaya kebakaran.
1. Divided into A, B, C, D.
SEBUAH. Warehouse of dangerous and chemical goods is not classified as a store.
B. Poor ventilation and heat dissipation.
C. bad in the measurement of dustproof, proteksi kebakaran, and cooling and non-standard in cargo-stacking.
D. kurangnya pengetahuan profesional membuat pengaturan kargo disimpan dari reaksi kimia, menyebabkan pembakaran spontan dan ledakan.
2. Packing Bahan seperti plastik, busa, kertas, wooden cases, and trays are possible to burn.
3. Asap dan ventilasi angin peralatan, peralatan pencahayaan, electric wiring, and other related electrical equipment may also cause a fire.
4. The improper operation or mismanagement of the cargo handling facility and machinery in the warehouse will also cause a fire.
5. The improper operation of people in the warehouse may cause a fire, such as an operation by obeying the regulations, playing fire, and smoking.
6. Lighting protection facilities that do not meet requirements are also easy to catch a fire.
warehouse now normally uses the following fire fighting equipment or facilities:
ruang pompa kebakaran, kolam renang api, sistem penyediaan air hidran kebakaran indoor dan outdoor, otomatis sistem sprinkler kebakaran, sistem ekstraksi asap mekanik, sistem alarm kebakaran, sistem pencahayaan darurat kebakaran, tanda-tanda evakuasi kebakaran, and dry chemical powder fire extinguisher.
During the design and construction period, the warehouse should design and engineer as per the current code and standard of fire protection, dan juga sesuai dengan kebutuhan kode untuk merancang sistem alarm kebakaran yang sesuai, perangkat pemadam kebakaran, indoor and outdoor water supply system, dari sumber untuk mencegah kebakaran terjadi.
Biasanya, a large warehouse is an open space (not a closed space), so ultrafine ABC dry powder fire extinguishing devices can be helpful.
Ultra fine dry powder fire extinguishing agent can extinguish Class A, B, C, E, and F fires
It has with ball-shape design and is installed on the ceiling or the wall, working as total flooding or local application.
Hal ini dibagi menjadi tipe bertekanan (tekanan 1.2mpa) and non-pressurized type, and both of them can be applied in big warehouses for total flooding or local application.
This fire extinguishing device can be used in conjunction with a fire alarm system.
Untuk parameter mereka, fitur, and applications please see the product links below:
Sistem pemadam kebakaran kimia kering
You can see different models and their cover area or protection volume for each device.