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Unit Pemadam Api Bubuk Kimia Kering Bebas Stres

» produk » Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering » Stress-free Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguishing Unit
  • Unit Pemadam Api Bubuk Kimia Kering Bebas Stres

    Sistem Pemadam Kebakaran Kimia Kering, produk

    perpustakaan, museum, and archives are important cultural relics protection sites, so it is necessary to implement key fire prevention and control measures for them.

    We suggest designing two independent fire extinguishing systems in these places, one is a water spray system, and the other is a superfine dry powder fire extinguishing system.

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    Stress-free means that there is no filling pressure in the gas bottle or cylinder. Sejalan dengan itu, the Stress-free Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguishing Unit is the ABC dry powder fire extinguisher which is not filled with pressure.

    The benefit of a non-pressurized dry chemical powder fire extinguishing unit is that it is safer to transport, handle, and install. There is also no risk of explosion when exposed to heat.

    Because of the higher safety factor, people are also willing to principle this Dry Chemical Powder Fire extinguishing unit on some occasions where there are people because it generally does not pose a potential threat to people.

    Unit Pemadam Api Bubuk Kimia Kering Bebas Stres

    Sebagai contoh, it is also installed in archives and some department stores.

    The design of this product is unique, it has a blocking device at the bottom, which can block the gravitational potential energy of the dry powder when it is sprayed downward so that the dry powder spreads to a wider range in the surrounding area, the fire extinguishing efficiency is better, and it can also protect the people in the room from the impact of the pressure.


    rekayasa sistem pemadam api bubuk kimia kering ABC tanpa tekanan.

    Today we introduce our most used style in all kinds of large-scale fire protection projects: FFX-ACT8 – Itu 8 kgs automatic ABC Super-fine Dry Powder Extinguisher.

    Parameters of 8kgs Stress-free Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguishing Unit

    • Model: FFX-ACT8.
    • Form penyimpanan: Bebas stres tanpa tekanan.
    • Menggabungkan: super-fine ABC bubuk kimia kering.
    • Suhu operasi: -50℃ untuk + 90 ℃.
    • Quality of Powder: 8 kilogram, toleransi adalah 0 untuk 5%.
    • Dimensi produk: 270*480 milimeter.
    • Total Weight of the Device: 13 kilogram.
    • Total Ukuran Banjir: 3.15*4.1*3.5 meter.
    • pengosongan Waktu: ≤5 detik.
    • Fire Spraying Time: 3 detik.
    • Volume dilindungi: please ask us for a data sheet table for it.
    • Modus Mulai: Electric or Electronic.
    • Tunggal Listrik Perlawanan Pemicu: 2.4 untuk 3.4 ohm.
    • Single electric Trigger Current: 200mA hingga 500mA.
    • Seumur hidup: 10 tahun.
    • The Force of Fire Suppression Reaction: 7.18 kN.
    • akting Waktu: 15.83 milidetik.
    • Gas Initiator Life Cycle: 10 tahun.

    There is no pressure inside the bottle of this product, so please feel free to transport it when shipping.

    Untuk beberapa Referensi Instalasi dan Aplikasi, please contact our sales and technician.

    sistem proteksi kebakaran kimia kering ABC yang sangat halus

    This Stress-free Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguishing Unit, which can be installed in information and cultural venues, has the following characteristics:

    • The tank is coated with red paint and does not come under any pressure.
    • The bottom nozzle is equipped with an octopus-shaped powder deflector, which facilitates even spraying of fire extinguishing agents.
    • There are multiple startup methods to choose from, electric start or hot start.
    • The product can choose a feedback function to provide feedback on spraying signals to the fire control panel.
    • The design of the product installation bracket is unique and simple, making it easy to install the product.
    • Flexible and diverse installation methods can be installed horizontally or vertically.
    • The dry powder fire extinguishing agent will not corrode or damage cultural relics after spraying, making it suitable for installation in places such as libraries, museum, and ancient buildings.

    This product has a wide range of applications:

    • Museum.
    • Perpustakaan.
    • Arsip.
    • Historic Buildings.
    • Pabrik bergulir.
    • Stasiun pompa.
    • Ruang pencetakan kertas.
    • Stasiun telekomunikasi.
    • Ruang pembangkit listrik.
    • ruang komputer.
    • Rak server.
    • ruang EPS.
    • Terowongan Utilitas.
    • Tempat kerja pabrik dan gudang.
    • Ruang penyimpanan minyak.
    • sekolah, rumah sakit, kantor pemerintahan.
    • Gedung-gedung tinggi.

    The stress-free dry chemical powder fire extinguishing Unit is a very special product because its extinguishing speed is very fast, the white color of dry powder runs out from the nozzle in a few seconds, so the following are a few things to note:

    • Please do not enter the protective room when the product is being sprayed with a fire extinguishing agent.
    • Setelah melepaskan, tolong bersihkan atau buka peralatan ventilasi untuk membersihkannya.
    • Jika menghirup bubuk kering secara tidak sengaja, mohon segera cari pertolongan medis.

    If you do not like this dry chemical powder fire extinguisher for important cultural heritage sites, then the aerosol sistem pemadam kebakaran is also an ideal solution.


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