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Cara teknis untuk memulai sistem perlindungan aerosol

» Dukungan teknologi » Technical Ways to Start-up Aerosol Protection Systems

Cara teknis untuk memulai sistem perlindungan aerosol

Mungkin 26, 2017

5 activation ways to start up our aerosol protection systems successfully

Sebelum penemuan produk pemadam api aerosol, sebagian besar tangki produk pemadam kebakaran memiliki tekanan penyimpanan tertentu, dan koefisien risiko ledakan sangat tinggi.

Kami mini fixed aerosol protection systems fire extinguisher adalah dengan teknologi pemadam kebakaran aerosol inovatif di dunia.

Because it not only solves the problem of danger but also solves the problem of installation mode, modus permulaan, and internal structure.

Ambil mode startup misalnya, sistem aerosol tipe mini kami miliki 3 cara tunggal dan 2 combination ways to start up the generator device body.


First Way- Electrical Start-up

The first way is an electrical start-up, kami juga mengatakan aktivasi listrik, ini adalah metode start-up yang paling populer, by inputting a 3-24v DC or 3-220v AC power supply, the generator can be started or activated rapidly and easily; with electrical activation normally accompanied by fire alarm systems including fire control panel, pendeteksi asap, detektor panas, titik panggilan manual, alarm dan strobo dan sebagainya; and use electrical start-up system the generator can send signal back to the fire control systems to make people know where is the fire and which of the devices acts to extinguishing in time.

People always don’t want to connect aerosol systems with any fire alarm systems because it’s very complex, and they ask me what to do.

Jawaban kami adalah “iya nih, kami juga dapat membantu Anda”, we can only use our new technology of the Thermal Aktivasi Generator (MAKA) untuk membantu, each aerosol generator accompanied by one piece of Thermal Activation Generator will work.

by using an electrical activation/start-up type the aerosol fire extinguisher can be applied in computer rooms, data processing centers, kamar generator listrik, perpustakaan, restoran, museum, arsip, and distribution rooms for total flooding, very widely in the application.

Second Way-Thermo Bulb Start-up

The second way aku s bola lampu termo rintisan, kami juga mengatakan bola aktuator termal, this is the most convenient and simple start-up way, only install our bulb thermal actuator on the aerosol protection systems, and then it will work.

aktuator bola kaca termo

The thermal bulb has rated temperatures, there are 57℃, 68℃, 79℃, 93℃, 141℃, and 182℃ available. dan biasanya berkisar dari 57 ℃, 68℃, 79℃, 93℃ lebih populer. by using the thermo bulb type the aerosol fire extinguisher can be applied in switchboards, lemari, panel kontrol, sistem UPS, dan seterusnya, but the thermo bulb type is not very suitable to install in autos and vehicles, because they always getting shocked will break the glass bulbs (Thermo glass).

We use the JOB Thermo bulb as one of our product components, we have long-term cooperation with itu Grup PEKERJAAN with its head office in Germany.

The third way is Aktivasi Kabel Termal, A Thermal Cord is a self-sensing element, normally the thermal cord has its own rated temperature of 175℃ and 300 ℃, The 175℃ one more popular.

How does the thermal cord type work? it is when the anywhere of the thermal cord gets a fire flame or when the thermal cord senses the environment temperature over 175℃, then it will start to combust itself, burning from the flame point to inside the aerosol generator, and then starting the generator actuator to make aerosol systems works.


Dari gambar, a combination way is to make one or several single ways together to work, kita punya 2 cara gabungan juga, normally we use a single way, but for a customer’s special request, we can use the combined way.
Biasanya cara gabungan kami adalah sebagai berikut:

  • 1. Cord Listrik dan Termal, use both electrical and thermal cords to help activate the generator.
  • 2. Listrik dan Thermo Bulb (Bulb Actuator termal), use both the electrical and thermal bulb to activate the generator.
    Di atas 2 combined ways are multi-function making the activation/start-up of the generator more flexible and steady.

Modus kombinasi adalah asuransi ganda. Ketika satu mode mulai gagal, mode mulai lainnya akan berfungsi.

Tidak peduli menggunakan metode startup yang mana, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mencapai pemadaman kebakaran fungsional, beberapa orang perlu mendeteksi dan memadamkan api secara otomatis, sementara yang lain perlu memadamkan api secara manual.

Pendeknya, kami dapat menawarkan debugging gratis dari setiap metode pemadaman api.

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