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Sistem Pemadam Otomatis Aerosol Sensitif Suhu

» produk » Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol » Temperature Sensitive Aerosol Automatic Extinguishing Systems
  • Sistem Pemadam Otomatis Aerosol Sensitif Suhu

    Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol, produk

    Thermo bulb is a temperature-sensitive element that could work with an automatic aerosol fire extinguishing system.

    They work together to form an independent fire extinguishing system without the need for any additional detection system.

    • spesifikasi
    • Key Benefits
    • Aplikasi
    • Informasi lebih

    A distribution room refers to an indoor distribution area with low-voltage loads, mainly distributing electrical energy to low-voltage users.

    There are two types of distribution rooms: high-voltage distribution rooms and low-voltage distribution rooms.

    High voltage distribution room generally refers to 6kV -10kV high voltage switchgear room; Low voltage distribution room generally refers to a 400V distribution room with 20kV or 35kV station transformer outgoing lines.

    The distribution room is composed of electrical components such as switchgear room, incoming cabinet, metering cabinet, PT cabinet, outgoing cabinet, contact cabinet, isolation cabinet, dll.

    Because it is a complex place for electricity distribution, it is usually necessary to configure a reliable and efficient fire extinguishing system.

    Temperature-sensitive aerosol Automatic Extinguishing Systems are reliable fire protection systems that could be applied in the power generator rooms and power distribution rooms.

    Temperature Sensitive Automatic Extinguishing Systems

    Technical Data of Temperature Sensitive Aerosol Automatic Extinguishing Systems

    Here we recommend thermo bulb-style aerosol fire extinguishing generator systems, the following are the parameters of model 1500ST:

    • Nomor batch: 1500ST, jenis bohlam termo.
    • Dimensi produk: Φ0.22*0.205 meter.
    • Dosis Agen Pemadam Kebakaran: 1.5 kilogram.
    • Volume Cakupan: 15.0 meter kubik.
    • Trigger Temperature: Job Glass Bulb 57℃, 68 ℃, 79℃, 93℃.
    • Application Temperature: -40 untuk +108 derajat Celsius.
    • Ambient Humidity: ≤95%.
    • Konsentrasi Desain: 100gram/m3.
    • Waktu Pemadaman Kebakaran: 19 detik.
    • Nozzle Temperature During Releasing: Kurang dari 200 derajat Celsius.
    • Silinder Produk: 304 baja tahan karat dengan pemolesan.
    • Berat kotor: 8.4 kilogram.
    • Berat bersih: 1.5 kilogram.
    • Lingkaran kehidupan: 10 tahun.
    • Kelas api: SEBUAH, B, C, E.
    • Waktu pengiriman: 7 untuk 15 hari-hari.
    • More services: OEM, ODM.

    Sebagai tambahan, Aerosol Automatic Extinguishing Systems can not only be used in distribution rooms but also in small confined spaces, such as distribution cabinet protection, lithium battery protection, dll. The actual usage needs to be calculated based on the aerosol design formula.

    It has the following key benefits:

    • Tak beracun.
    • Tidak konduktif.
    • Non korosif.
    • 304 stainless steel cylinder and not have a pressurized cylinder to work.
    • No need for yearly maintenance and inspection.
    • Cocok untuk lingkungan yang mengerikan.
    • Efisiensi pemadaman api sangat tinggi dan sangat cepat untuk memadamkan api.
    • Teknologi aerosol yang inovatif, lebih baik daripada sistem pencegah kebakaran gas lainnya.
    • Kompak dan mudah dipasang, even you can even DO IT YOURSELF to install it.

    Inovatif automatic aerosol fire extinguishers bisa bisa melamar di bidang berikut:

    • Transportation and Vehicles.
    • Industri tenaga angin.
    • Mining Equipment and Facilities.
    • industri telekomunikasi.
    • Minyak Bumi dan Petrokimia.
    • Industri konstruksi.
    • Industri metalurgi.
    • Fasilitas manufaktur.
    • ruang komputer.
    • Ruang distribusi listrik.
    • Pusat pemrosesan data.
    • Turbin angin.
    • Ruang penyimpanan energi.
    • lepas pantai.

    The product is small but very smart, it can be used in any confined space.

    Contact us any time for more information.

    1500 grams of aerosol compound can cover an area of 15 ruang kandang meter kubik, obviously this product is suitable for big space or big room.

    Saat memasang, ensure that the installation bracket is firmly installed on the ceiling or wall to avoid falling off and injuring people.

    Setelah instalasi, promptly check the circuit of the aerosol device and the circuit of the alarm system to ensure that the circuit is open.

    When debugging the system, use a light bulb or relay for testing first to ensure that there are no problems with the circuit.

    After all components are installed, connect the aerosol fire extinguishing device without power.

    Formulir Kirim ( kami akan kembali Anda sesegera mungkin )


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