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Generator Aerosol Kelas Militer

» produk » Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol » Military Grade Aerosol Generator

Generator Aerosol Kelas Militer

Alat Pemadam Kebakaran Aerosol Minisol, produk

Military Aerosol Fire Extinguishers - the highest level of protection for a fire extinguishing tool, its entire body is 304 cangkang baja tahan karat.

It is also possible to install it in some explosion-proof areas.

Main applications: kendaraan militer, tanks, armored vehicles, dll.

  • spesifikasi
  • fitur
  • Aplikasi
  • Informasi lebih

The military-grade aerosol generator is a specially designed fire extinguishing device for military vehicles, combat vehicles, and military installations.

It has a special shape and extremely high-level protection against powerful blast impacts.

Most notably, its full-body shell is made of high-grade stainless steel, allowing it to be mounted on tanks and other combat tools to protect military vehicles.

The condition of military vehicles in times of war is critical, karena itu, we must find ways to install efficient fire extinguishing systems in the engine compartments of military vehicles.

Military fire extinguishers use aerosols as their extinguishing agent, so it does not occupy space in military facilities and extinguish fires quickly.

Parameter and Data of Military-Grade Aerosol Generator

Now let’s take a look at the parameters and data of this special new product:

  • nama Produk: Small military-grade aerosol generator
  • Main Oxidant: Strontium nitrat dan kalium nitrat.
  • Dimensi: φ200*86.50 millimeters.
  • Type Specification: QRR0.04G/S/SA-MG
  • Kualitas Senyawa Kimia: 400 untuk 600 gram.
  • Ruang Penutup: dari 4 m3 to 6 m3 difference.
  • Extinguishing Delay Time: 1 untuk 2 detik.
  • pemadam Waktu: dalam 10 detik.
  • Modus Mulai: Thermal/Electrical.
  • Thermal Activation Temperature: 175±10℃.
  • Start Voltage and Current: 24V/700mA.
  • Material silinder: 304 besi tahan karat.
  • Jarak Keselamatan Personil: 2 meter.
  • Sedang mengemas: Kotak warna dan kotak karton.
  • Suhu ambient: -50 ke +95℃.
  • Piping Network: Tidak dibutuhkan.
  • Tekanan Operasi: nol.
  • Service Time: 10 tahun. (Produk sekali pakai)
  • Waktu Garansi: 2 tahun dari tanggal pembuatan.
  • Application Fields: Army Service, Military Facilities.

This army-grade aerosol extinguisher has a higher level of protection than the common 304-cylinder aerosol fire extinguishers and is specifically for use on military vehicles and military facilities.

Generator Aerosol Kelas Militer

It is a newly and specially designed product for the army and military facilities, it has the following features:

  • Extremely high level of protection.
  • Fast-acting aerosol fire suppressant for professional use only.
  • Kemampuan pencegah kebakaran yang cepat di ruang tertutup, in military vehicle engines.
  • Highly effective, dengan 400 untuk 600 grams of aerosol compound covering 4 untuk 5 m3.
  • It has a long lifespan and can reach 10 tahun.
  • Bebas perawatan, dengan kata lain, itu tidak memerlukan pemeriksaan tahunan.
  • Aerosol compound as an extinguishing medium, that is non-toxic, non-korosif, and eco-friendly.
  • Pass the fall test from 10-meter distance, itu anti-shock.
  • Mekanisme tarik dan lempar, ada waktu tunda dari 3 untuk 5 detik waktu tunda.
  • Lulus pemeriksaan dari INSTITUT KEBAKARAN NASIONAL CINA, and get a test report for its performance.

This is a customized aerosol fire extinguishing product for military and heavy industry applications:

  • war chariot.
  • Tank.
  • Armored vehicles.
  • Peralatan Pertambangan.
  • Other Off-road heavy-duty vehicles.
  • Explosion-Proof Occasions.

For use, instalasi, and commissioning, we need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Ini adalah kargo berbahaya, so never let a child play with it.
  • Only allow skilled people or professional technicians to operate it.
  • Operasikan produk secara ketat sesuai MANUAL INSTALASI kami.
  • Store it in a dry and ventilation place, hindari angin dan matahari.

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