Sistem dan Solusi Proteksi Kebakaran yang Dapat Digunakan untuk Garasi
» Blog kami» Usable Fire Protection Systems and Solutions for Garage
Sistem dan Solusi Proteksi Kebakaran yang Dapat Digunakan untuk Garasi
Mungkin 17, 2018
With the development of the world’s economy, semakin banyak mobil datang ke keluarga, the small size of cars is increasing every day in urban transportation, now the urban car parking problem is prominent, correspondingly more and more big garages were built or under build and increasing every day.
Especially with the development of the real estate industry, the matching requirements between large underground garages and newly built buildings are becoming increasingly high.
The garage is parked with lots of small vehicles and cars, and people also come and go in the garage, jadi sistem proteksi kebakaranis required and a fire protection solution can not be able to ignored.
The fuel used for the car is normally gasoline and natural gas, mereka mudah terbakar, dan minyak pelumas juga mudah terbakar, if they leak then the consequence is out of image.
The car structure also has its electrical circuit, such as a firing system and battery, when they are abnormal or damaged then under a risk of fire.
Dekorasi Material di dalam mobil biasanya mudah terbakar dan bahan yang mudah terbakar, will easily catch fire.
Now many cars have electric power control windows, pemanas jok listrik, and electric doors, bahan isolasi listrik ini peralatan ini sebagian besar adalah mudah terbakar.
Car exhaust includes carbon monoxide leaked gasoline, and leaked natural gas, these substances exist in non-ventilated places will make people poisoned, and easily cause fire.
Most of the car garages are underground, sehingga pekerjaan penyelamatan api sulit dilakukan.
When the fire in the garage happens, itu akan menyebar dengan cepat, and will not be easy to put out.
Memiliki risiko ledakan.
Mudah untuk membuat keracunan, sulit untuk dilakukan evakuasi darurat.
Based on the description of garage fire risks and the characteristics above, we can suggest several fire protection systems for the garage environments.
sarankan Satu: Sistem aerosol, Recommend the Wall-Mounted Aerosol or Mini Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Device for a small space in the gallery, accompanied by the fire alarm system.
sarankan Dua: ABC Super Kering Sistem Kimia, recommends a pressurized or non-pressurized dry chemical powder fire extinguishing system, together with a fire alarm system.
saran Tiga: Suppression Sistem gas termasuk HFC-227ea, co2, and ig541 systems, for bigger space in the garage, cocok dengan alarm kebakaran.
saran Empat: Foam Sistem for big space in a garage environment and with fire alarm systems install together.
saran Lima: Air-kabut Sistem for big space total flooding, dengan alarm kebakaran bersama-sama.
The installation environment of the garage, local weather, and other factors determine which type of fire protection system we need to install.
Because of the environment of the garage, the smoke detector and VESDA system are not suitable for installation in the garage, bukannya harus menginstal detektor panas, should be placed in every corner of the garage.
As the car garage is an enclosed space, banyak gas yang mudah terbakar ada di sana, sehingga juga perlu merancang gas Detector sana.
Other fire alarm systems, sistem pencahayaan darurat kebakaran, and evacuation devices are also necessary to install in the garage.
This article is for an underground garage or room garage, not described for an outdoor garage.