A 20-gram aerosol-based lithium battery fire suppression system, bijna de kleinste aerosolbrandblusser ter wereld, could be able to installed in most confined spaces, such as lithium battery packs, power switching cabinets, laptop charging cabinets, enzovoort.
This product is only 5cm in diameter and 6.2cm in height, and the volume of space coverage can reach 0.1 Kubieke meters, so the small size and high fire-extinguishing efficiency are two of the main reasons why it can be used in the renewable energy lithium battery box.
Aerosol fire extinguishing agent is clean and environmentally friendly, so its finished product will not have any damage to the lithium battery components, both safe and environmentally friendly.
A 20-gram aerosol fire extinguisher is an ideal lithium battery fire suppression solution.
Basic Parameter of Lithium Battery Fire Suppression Aerosol Fire Extinguisher
The following are the main parameters of this 10g aerosol extinguisher:
100 gram, 150 gram, en 250 gram aerosol voornamelijk voor voertuigmotoren en elektrische panelen.
500 gram, en 750 grams of aerosol mainly for wind turbines.
Van 1000 gram naar 3000 grams of aerosol mainly for bigger rooms, zoals computerlokalen, gegevensverwerking kamers, stroomverdeelruimtes, and power generator rooms.
We kunnen ook produceren: 4200 gram, 5000 gram, en 5700 gram als speciale designproducten.