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Lithium-brandblusserbatterij 20 tot 60 gram

» producten » Brandpreventiesysteem met lithiumbatterij » Lithium Fire Extinguisher Battery Pack 20 tot 60 gram
  • Lithium-brandblusserbatterij 20 tot 60 gram

    CATEGORIE en tags:
    Brandpreventiesysteem met lithiumbatterij, producten

    Aerosol-based fire extinguishers are now commonly used in lithium battery packs and other new energy storage system equipment. These extinguishers have been successfully applied in various equipment, including nuclear equipment, apparatuur voor windturbines, apparatuur voor zonne-energie, power distribution equipment, and energy storage systems.

    The lithium battery is part of a new energy system.

    Click here to learn about the whole aerosol brandblussysteem familie.

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    Lithium fire extinguisher is a product in the field of new energy.

    New energy and energy storage fields are new strategic industries, het heeft zich zeer snel ontwikkeld, de meest representatieve zijn windenergie, kernenergie, zonne energie, energie opslag, and battery energy storage.

    Dankzij de ontwikkeling van zonne-energie, batterijen, en energieopslag, new energy fire protection has developed rapidly in recent years; neem als voorbeeld onze aerosol brandblusser. It is now widely used in lithium battery packs of various sizes.

    The following is a detailed introduction to our 20 tot 60 gram brandblussers met energieopslag:

    • Productnaam: Nieuwe energie brandblusser, or lithium fire extinguisher.
    • Items and Capacity: 20 gram, 30 gram, 40 gram, 50 gram, 60 gram.
    • Grootte: φ40*25,5 mm (20 en 30 gram één), φ60*27,5 mm (40, 50 en 60 gram één).
    • Beveiligd volume: 0.3 m naar 0.8 m³.
    • Fire Suppression Agent Type: Aërosol.
    • Main Suppression Oxidants: Kaliumnitraat en strontiumnitraat.
    • System Protection Type: Totale overstroming.
    • Extinguishing Application Density: 100 gram per kubieke meter.
    • Discharge Rate: Minder dan 30 seconden.
    • Activeringsmodus: Thermal cord plus electronic.
    • Activeringstemperatuur: 175℃ (thermische koord).
    • Activeringsstroom: 700mA (elektronisch).
    • Protected Objects: Lithium batterijpakket, elektrische kast, Controlepaneel, distribution board, enzovoort.
    • Standaard: Heb een testrapport van GA 499.1-2010, en volgens UL 2775, NFPA 2010, KIWA, and ISO 15779.
    • Operation Mode: Standalone and automatic by the thermal cord; of mee werken brandmeldinstallaties with the elements of the fire control panel, handmatig vrijgavestation, schakelaar afbreken, ontladingsindicator, toeter&stroboscoop, alarmbel, rookmelder, and heat detector.

    Lithium fire extinguisher

    The lithium battery pack fire extinguisher contains a special chemical substance-potassium nitrate, which acts as the main oxidant and plays a crucial role in fire fighting. This type of fire extinguisher is commonly known as an "aërosol" brandblusser. Its main features are as follows:

    • The primary chemicals used are potassium nitrate, strontiumnitraat, hars, and dicyandiamide.
    • All chemicals are pollution-free, and their mixture belongs to clean products, which cause no harm to the environment or atmosphere.
    • It does not require pressure storage and has a high safety factor.
    • It can be started through multiple modes such as electronics and thermal cords.
    • It can be used as an automatic and standalone system, and sometimes there is no need to connect it with other systems like fire alarms.
    • It comes in small sizes and can be installed in special spaces such as lithium battery packs, meterkasten, Geldautomaten, and machinery spaces.
    • It has an extremely high fire extinguishing efficiency, and its design density ranges from 33 gram naar 100 gram per kubieke meter, depending on where it is installed.
    • CE en andere internationale certificaten ter ondersteuning.
    • Het is waterdicht en stofdicht, with a protection grade of IP67.
    • Het is in duizenden programma's in heel India geïnstalleerd, Zuid-Afrika, Zuid-Amerika, and other regions.

    FM200, CO2, and IG541 fire suppression systems are for big spaces; Abc dry chemical and large-sized aerosol are for medium-sized spaces; Minisol aerosol and fire detection tube system are for small-size spaces; en deze aerosol-brandblusser met lithiumbatterij is voor een smalle of kleine ruimte, onder de smalle ruimte is geschikt voor het installeren van een brandblusser met lithiumbatterijen:

    • Lithium batterijpakket.
    • Meterkast.
    • Kleine elektriciteitskasten.
    • Kleine schakelkast.
    • Draagbare EV-scooter.
    • Oplader.
    • Batterij omvormer.
    • Temperatuurregelaar.
    • Kleine omvormer voor zonne-energie.
    • Intelligente stroomonderbreker.
    • Huishoudelijke zwakke stroomdoos en sterke stroomdoos.
    • Airco plug-in unit.
    • Waterpomp.
    • Draagbare dieselgenerator.
    • Computermachinekast.

    Please pay attention to the following instructions:

    • Niet demonteren zonder toestemming, vraag eventueel de fabrikant om instructies.
    • Keep the fire extinguisher away from children and do not allow them to play with it.
    • Read the installation instructions carefully and take note of all precautions before proceeding.
    • While spraying, people should keep a distance of at least 1 tot 3 meters from the product.
    • The product is disposable and needs to be replaced after it has exceeded its service life.
    • Store the product in a dry, ventilated area and keep it away from any sources of fire.
    • Please handle the product with care during transportation.

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