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Automatisch brandblussysteem voor voertuigen

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  • Automatisch brandblussysteem voor voertuigen

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    Minisol Spuitbus Brandblusser, producten

    Vehicle fire suppression systems should have the function of automatic and space-saving, aerosol fire extinguishing systems and their accessories is the best solution.

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    Any vehicle should be fitted with a suitable automatic fire suppression system for the protection of personnel.

    There are many types of vehicles, including cars, bussen, zwaar uitgevoerd, vrachtwagens, boten, schepen, jachten, and airplanes, these vehicles all have engine compartments where the engine and parts lay there.


    In the 21st century, many people have vehicles, especially automobiles, which makes it easy for people to go out for travel and shopping.

    But when the vehicle’s engine overheats or there is a mechanical failure, the vehicle will easily catch fire.

    daarom, we must install an automatic fire suppression system in the vehicle engine.

    After researching and comparing we found that a 100-gram highly concentrated aerosol-based automatic fire suppression unit is a good suppression solution, its basic parameters are as follows:

    • Model and Item: 100E.
    • Grootte: Diameter 75*124 mm.
    • Fire Suppression Volume: 1 kubieke meter.
    • Massa blusmateriaal: 100 gram.
    • Activation Elements: Thermal spontaneous combustion cords.
    • Gross and Net weight: 940 en 100 gram.
    • Color of the Product: Zilverwit.
    • Housing Material: 304 roestvrij staal met polijsten.
    • Material of Connecting and Starting Parts: aluminum alloy.
    • Installation Methods: First is by installation bracket and screws, and second is by magnet with 3M brand glue.

    voertuig brandblussystemen aerosol brandblusser auto

    verder, er zijn E-bikes en elektrische motorfietsen, that will need smaller capacity aerosol systems.

    In this condition, het is beter om de square-shaped aerosol automatic fire suppression system, which is a special design fire extinguisher for lithium battery E-bike and electric motorcycles.

    automatische mini-spuitbusblusser voor kleine besloten ruimtes en brandbeveiliging met speciale gevaren

    • It is a small product, so be able to be applied in narrow spaces very well, zoals de motorruimte van de auto.
    • Het is een schoon aërosolbrandblusmiddel, na het loslaten, it causes little residue, and will not damage the engine of the vehicle.
    • Vergeleken met gasbrandblussystemen, het heeft geen druk, so the vehicle is safe during its operation.
    • Het thermische snoer is een zeer gevoelige detectieapparatuur, it will work to start the aerosol generator rapidly and automatically.
    • Dit product is waterdicht en stofdicht, zijn IP-klasse is: 67.
    • It can resist vibration and could be installed in vehicles.

    Aerosol suppression devices can be used in any kind of vehicle:

    • Motorruimte van auto, bus, vrachtauto, bulldozer, trainer.
    • Machinekamer van schepen.
    • Vliegtuig.
    • Jachtmachinekamer.
    • Machineuitrusting.
    • Windturbinekamer.

    Aerosol fire extinguishing device is a good solution for any style of vehicle, we hebben veel bekende partners:

    • Volvo cars.
    • VOLKSWAGEN auto's.
    • Mercedes-Benz auto's.
    • Isuzu zware vrachtwagen.
    • Hyundai heavy truck.
    • Komatsu-bulldozer.
    • Kattenbulldozer.

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