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Intelligent aërosol draagbaar brandblussysteem

» producten » Draagbare aërosolbrandblussers » Intelligent Aerosol Portable Fire Extinguisher System
  • Intelligent aërosol draagbaar brandblussysteem

    CATEGORIE en tags:
    Draagbare aërosolbrandblussers, producten

    PSE-2 is a very intelligent and portable aerosol fire extinguisher, het kan in auto's worden gebruikt;, bussen, kantoren, vrachtwagens, politiebureaus, brandweerlieden, Oil fields, Chemische velden, and some other specific application fields.

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    We design, supply, deliver, and install aerosol portable fire extinguisher systems all customers all over the world.

    Aerosol-based portable fire extinguishers are currently the smallest portable fire extinguishers in the world, and their fire extinguishing efficiency is several times higher than other ordinary fire extinguishers.

    This product has a stylish appearance and serves as a decoration when installed indoors.

    Our 13B portable aerosol fire extinguisher can be applied to buses, bussen, schoolbussen, politiebureaus, banken, oil fields, public offices, and research centers, and can also be given as a gift to some customers.

    bewust draagbare aerosol brandblussers hand PSE 2

    The following are the specific parameters of our portable fire-extinguishing device:

    • Modelnummer: 13B-P1.
    • Dimensie: 387 mm in height and 52 mm in diameter.
    • Massa blusmateriaal: 80 gram.
    • Activeringsmethoden: Elektronische piëzo-elektrische keramiek.
    • The Color: Zwart handvat met rode cilinder, we can offer OEM and customer labeling service.
    • GW: 860 gram, with a tolerance of 5%.
    • NW: 80 gram.
    • Levenslang: 10 jaar.
    • Brandklasseclassificatie: 13B Fire extinguishing ability, Kan vuur blussen A, B, C, E.
    • Tijd om te bezorgen: 5 tot 10 dagen, besloten door bestelhoeveelheid:.

    Its usage and operation are very simple, please refer to the following steps:

    • Check and make sure the fire extinguisher is in good condition before use.
    • Take the fire extinguisher from the holer.
    • Rotate the transparent protection ring until the red button appears.
    • Aim the fire extinguisher at the flame.
    • Press down the red button to start the fire extinguisher.
    • You hold the handle of the fire extinguisher and shoot flames from left to right to extinguish the fire.

    For smaller portable aerosol fire extinguishers, please go to this page: Flexibele draagbare aërosolbrandblussergenerator

    • It is portable and handheld.
    • Heel klein en compact.
    • Zeer eenvoudig en flexibel te bedienen.
    • Zwarte kleur bij handvatdeel, en rode kleur bij cilinderdeel.
    • Niet-toxische, en milieuvriendelijk.
    • ODP = 0, ALT=0, GWP = 0.
    • Niet corrosief, nietgeleidend, and left little residue after release.
    • Shell cilinder zonder enige druk.
    • Het ziet er erg leuk uit, veel mooier dan andere stijl van brandblussers.
    • It is a high-quality product, zijn brandbestrijdingscapaciteit is zeer uitstekend.
    • DNVGL, EC, and ISO9001 Certified.

    This portable aerosol has a special name "vuurbreker", it is made up of top quality mixture chemicals of potassium nitrate agent and strontium nitrate mixture, and a cylinder with good quality iron steel with painting.

    Below are its main application fields:

    • Huis: keuken, slaapkamer, woonkamer, eetkamer, studeerkamer.
    • Werkplaats en kantoor.
    • Bankkantoor en bankhal.
    • Police stations and policemen for prevention of violence.
    • Olieveld en chemisch gebied.
    • supermarkten, zoals Metro, Walmart, Costco, Home Depot, and Lows.
    • Voor brandweerlieden.
    • Voor auto's:.

    The following precautions should be taken when operating this product:

    • Te allen tijde, this product cannot be aimed at humans for operation.
    • Never touch the cylinder after releasing it.
    • Without the manufacturer's permission, this device cannot be dismantled privately.
    • Children are not allowed to play with this product.
    • There is a safety pin on this product, and it needs to be removed before operation.
    • For any other unknown matters, please refer to the user manual.




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