SeaSol condensed aerosol fire suppression device AW-QRR7.5LW/S covers 53 cubic meters in a fire volume a total flooding role, for protection of the computer room, telecommunicatie kamer, vermogensgenerator room, elektrische kasten, enzovoort. Het is klein, veilig, and compact, it is a space-saving and halon-alternative product with a clean agent inside the cylinder.
Our Seasol condensed aerosol fire safety suppression device Model number AW-QRR7.5LW/S is based on eco-friendly aerosol fire suppression technology, which is taken as a halon alternative product and has been listed on the USEPA as powered aerosol A.
It is designed to extinguish fire class A- solid fuel, Brandklasse B-vloeistof en gasbrandstof, and Fire Class C-electrical fires in defined enclosures.
Its extinguishing compound agent is generated by a chemical reaction that takes place in a non-pressurized cylinder, leveren van droog vast poeder kleine deeltjes in 1 tot 5 micron drijvend in inerte gassen.
This fire safety suppression device Model No. AW-QRR7.5LW/S is designed to extinguish a fire in 53 cubic meters of closed volume.
This device can be accompanied by fire detection and fire alarm systems to form a complete fire suppression and alarm system. met 7 days 24-hour working every day.
Modelnummer. : AW-QRR7.5LW/S.
Blusvolume: 53 Kubieke meters (140 gram per m3).
Activeringsmodus: Elektrisch of elektrisch.
Kleur van aërosolagent: bruin.
Device color: Silver-white or Red.
Ontlaadtijd:: 60 seconden.
Temperatuurbereik: -40 degrees Celsius to 70 graden Celsius.
Gewicht agent: 7500 gram.
Stroomvoorziening: Gelijkstroom 3~24V/AC 3~220V.
Ontsteking: elektrische wedstrijd.
Dimensie: 400*300*680 mm.
Totale gewicht: 35 kilogram.
Levenslang: zeven tot tien jaar.
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