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Extintor de aerossol Minisol Formula-Salll Projeto de espaço fechado

» Suporte de tecnologia » Minisol Aerosol Extinguisher Formula-Salll Enclosed Space Design

Extintor de aerossol Minisol Formula-Salll Projeto de espaço fechado

Pode 14, 2024

Nossos extintores de aerossol MINISOL são conhecidos em todo o mundo por suas propriedades únicas.

As características mais proeminentes deste produto clássico de extinção de incêndio em aerossol são as seguintes:

  • A concha é feita de alta qualidade 304 aço inoxidável, e o processo inclui polimento, moagem de borda, empurrando a borda, e envolvimento de borda.
  • The fire extinguishing agent adopts a high-quality S-type strontium nitrate and potassium nitrate mixed chemical compound.
  • Compacto e fácil de instalar, with a design density of 100 gramas por metro cúbico, it has extremely high fire extinguishing efficiency.
  • The product is environmentally friendly and has no adverse effects on humans, the atmosphere, etc.

The design of this aerosol has a separate set of design formulas, as it is generally used in relatively small spaces, such as power distribution cabinets, car engine compartments, lithium energy storage batteries, recipientes de armazenamento de energia, etc. The engineering design will be relatively simple.

Minisol and Tiny Aerosol Extinguisher Formula

This aerosol extinguisher formula is as below photo shows:

Minisol and Tiny Aerosol Extinguisher Calculation Formula

From the above photo, it shows:

  1. M is the aerosol quality in kgs, it is total flooding quality.
  2. Da is the design density in kgs/m3, isto é 100 grams/m3 or 0.1kgs/m3.
  3. Fa is the additional design factor, normally Fa is 1 because this minisol aerosol is only for small or narrow space.
  4. V is the protected volume which needs to make a protection for it.


To help us better understand this formula, let’s take the example of an electrical distribution cabinet.

The Distribution cabinet dimension is 1000x800x300mm, then how do design the minisol aerosol fire extinguisher?

  • primeiramente, the Da is 0.1kgs/m3, and the Fa is 1.
  • em segundo lugar, we need to know the volume “V”, which is 1m*0.8m*0.3m which comes to 0.24m3.
  • Em terceiro lugar, use the formula M=Da*Fa*V=0.1×0.24=0.024kgs, to work out the aerosol compound quality, this means that to protect this cabinet, we need to use a 0.024kgs or 24 grams of aerosol extinguishing agent.
  • Finalmente, Finalmente, select our product model based on the dosage of the medication, we need to choose our product model AW-QH-30TH, a 30-gram aerosol extinguisher for this cabinet (1000x800x300mm).

The design formulas for MINISOL and TINY aerosols are very simple, just follow the above steps to calculate.
If it involves aerosol design in larger spaces, por favor leia o seguinte artigo: Big Space Aerosol Design Formula.

Claro, as we are experts in the field of aerosol fire extinguishing systems, you can also contact our customer service, sales, and technical personnel for any questions or concerns regarding aerosol design. They will provide positive answers to your questions.

Aerosol fire prevention system

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