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Strontium Potassium Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers

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Strontium Potassium Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers

novembro 12, 2017

The Aerosol fire extinguisher device, ou em outras palavras “Sistema de supressão de fogo aerossol“, is not a new concept in the fire protection industry. because aerosol has a long history since its invention in Russia, depois de muitos anos de desenvolvimento de tecnologia aerosol, now in the world, some companies have the technology to produce aerosol fire suppression systems, The brands of these aerosol fire extinguisher manufacturers are:

  • 1. Rússia, the aerosol was invented by the Russian military, so Russia has the technology to produce the aerosol fire extinguisher device and some companies engage in it
  • 2. Itália, Na Itália, uma empresa pode produzir o sistema de extintor de incêndio em aerossol, outro 2 mais empresas podem produzir extintor portátil de aerossol
  • 3. Chipre, In Cyprus there is a company that can produce an aerosol fire suppression system
  • 4. Países Baixos, Na Holanda, uma empresa pode produzir sistemas de extinção de incêndio em aerossol
  • 5. América, America there is a company that can supply fixed aerosol fire extinguishers.
  • 6. Malásia, In Malaysian there is a company that imports technology from Europe and has the technology to produce aerosol fire extinguishers
  • 7. China, Our company can help you to produce and provide with aerosol fire extinguisher device.

The above-mentioned Russian, Italian, Chipre, Dutch, American, and Malaysian companies all produce aerosol fire extinguishing products based on potassium nitrate as the main oxidant. We call them second-generation aerosol fire extinguisher manufacturers.

But in China, we produce aerosol fire extinguishing systems based on strontium nitrate as the main oxidant, and we are the latest generation of aerosol fire extinguishing technology manufacturers.

The difference between strontium nitrate aerosols and potassium nitrate aerosols

For aerosol fire suppression systems, Qual é a diferença entre nitrato de potássio tipo e tipo de nitrato de estrôncio?

In Short, their chemical components are different, and most important, the strontium nitrate type of aerosol fire extinguishing agent is more Eco-friendly than the potassium nitrate type of agent, less harm and damage to the ozone layer and human people.
This is the reason we strongly recommend you use our strontium nitrate aerosol fire extinguisher device.


  • Mais Eco-friendly agente de supressão de aerossol fogo limpa.
  • ODP = 0, ALT = 0, GWP = 0.
  • não tóxico.
  • não corrosivo.
  • não condutiva.
  • Sem resíduos após a supressão.
  • The temperature generated during startup is relatively much lower.

Extintor de Aerossol Fusível Explosivo


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