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Dispositivos de extinção de incêndio de pó seco superfino para supermercado

» Nosso blog » Superfine Dry Powder Fire Extinguishing Devices for Supermarket

Dispositivos de extinção de incêndio de pó seco superfino para supermercado

agosto 29, 2018

TEMA: Superfino dispositivos de extinção de incêndio de pó químico seco no supermercado
PALAVRA-CHAVE: Fogo dispositivo de extinção, Supermercado

Como todos sabemos, supermercados e grande Shopping are public places that are crowded with people and filled with goods, with sustainable development of supermarkets together with the changing of people’s consumption concept, many supermarkets or big shopping malls is because is being built and more and more popular in many cities.

Contudo, because of good fire precaution measures, a lot of fires have occurred in supermarkets place and big shopping malls, tal como “The Furlong Building Fire in Beijing”, “The March 25º incêndio em supermercado na Rússia” and many other supermarket fires happened in Brazil, Paquistão, Filipinas e em todo o mundo, people and their properties suffer a great loss because of fire in the supermarket and shopping mall, muitas pessoas morrem em um incêndio.

So strengthening fire safety awareness and fire protection work is very necessary.

PRIMEIRO, Dois Estágios do Supermercado fogo

  • Fogo Iniciar Stage
    In the fire start stage the fire starts from the point of fire to spread around, and at the same time makes out a lot of smoke and toxic gases; when at this time people do not find and put out the fire in time, o fogo se expandir rapidamente para a escada, elevator, and aisle.
  • Fogo Contagion Stage
    In the fire contagion stage the fire continued to spread and the window near the fire flame brokering, the fire spread upstairs, and at the same time the burning goods in the stairwell fell causing the downstairs also get fire, Assim sendo, in a short time, the fire even spread to the entire building.

SEGUNDO, Two big problems for firefighting

  1. Difícil operar com o trabalho de resgate
    As the supermarket is crowded with people and exit is limited, é difícil fazer a evacuação de pessoal, customer panicked and easy to causes a trampling accident, perhaps some people will choose to jump out of the window, and some wait for rescue.
  1. Difícil de operar com o trabalho de combate a incêndio
    As the supermarket is normally located in the downtown area, nas proximidades são muitos edifícios, os edifícios vão ficar no caminho de veículos de resgate bloqueio de condução para o prédio em chamas, and the fire fighting work is hard to do.

unidades de extinção de incêndio de supermercados chian

The best method is to do measurements to make the supermarket fire off at its early stage. A good fire extinguishing device and its system are necessary to install in the supermarket.

According to theCode for Fire Protection Design,” every country has clear guidelines for fire protection.

Nós vamos recomendar um dispositivo de supressão de fogo bom equipamento de Superfine incêndio químico seco de extinção, this device is very suitable for supermarkets, Shopping, and buildings as it is:

  • a fire extinguishing device rapidly puts out a fire at an early stage, just needs several seconds to suppress the fire, and fire extinguishing effectiveness is hugely high, pode tocar 65 gramas por metro cúbico.
  • não tóxico, mesmo lotados com as pessoas quando é pessoas que trabalham não terá toxicidade, É um fogo limpa produto e eco-friendly de extinção.
  • Comparado com os sistemas de supressão de espuma de incêndio, water systems, water-mist systems, and gaseous fire suppression systems, it is higher in fire extinguishing efficiency and most importantly, easier to install.
  • É fácil fazer a manutenção.

Many fire rebuild projects done by engineering companies or construction companies choose to install super-fine dry chemical powder fire extinguishing devices as their first choice, porque simples e fácil de instalar.

dispositivo extintor de pó químico seco ABC fixo não pressurizado 51

Dispositivo de segurança de extinção de pó superfino ABC

pó seco químico supermercado sistema de supressão de incêndio

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