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Aerosol Fire Suppression System for Bank ATM Machine

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Aerosol Fire Suppression System for Bank ATM Machine

May 4, 2017

aerosol suppression device be installed in ATM machineFM200, Koldioxid, Inert gas, and aerosol all belong to the gasformigt brandsläckningssystem, according to the standards published in the world, people will have questions, about why aerosol also belongs to one of the number of gas fire suppression systems, To answer this question, we will make a brief explanation hereby:

  • The aerosol system is an innovative technology, and its agent is a solid substance with chemicals of strontium nitrate and potassium nitrate as the main components.
  • Under normal conditions, the aerosol agent is stored in the container as solid powder, but after spraying, it will be extremely fine particles.
  • These tiny particles are at the nanometer level, and people can’t see them with the naked eye. They can bypass any obstacle and fill the whole space.
  • People usually call this phenomenongaseous aerosol”, because when you look at it with your eyes, its emission process is like the emission of smoke or gas.
  • According to international standards such as UL2775 and NFPA 2010, aerosols are currently classified as gas fire extinguishing.

Aerosol Fire Suppression System and ATMS

We know that aerosol technology comes from Russia’s military technology, and later developed in Europe, Asia, Australia, and other countries and regions, and then developed in China.

Aerosols in Europe, Amerika, Australia, and other countries use potassium nitrate as the main oxidant, while Chinese agents add strontium nitrate on their basis; This makes the formulation of the agent improved, and China’s aerosol technology more environmentally friendly, hållbar, and safe.

In terms of design density, 100 g/m3 for China and 50-70 g/m3 for others, although the design density of aerosol agents in China is not as high as that in other countries, they are more environmentally friendly.

In China, we have a Minisol aerosol fire extinguisher with 304 stainless cylinders as the loader, which the product can install in narrow enclosure spaces like electrical panels, bankomater, etc.

De ATMS machine, Cleaning Room, and Monitoring Room all are important places where easy to get a fire in the banking systems.

Our mini aerosol fire extinguisher and its system are the innovative fire fighting and protection products in the world and offer a versatile, smart, and economical fire protection solution.

The Mini Aerosol fire extinguisher and suppression system include all the elements that detect the fire a device, and an installation bracket.
For the device in the banking system ATM fire protection, we suggest better use thermo bulb as an actuator, and the rated temperature can be 68℃ or 93℃(the one installed inside the ATM 93℃, and the one installed in the cleaning room and monitoring room should be 68℃).

The Process of Aerosol Fire Suppression Devices acting on ATMs

For a better understanding of how to install, hereby there are two of our installation photos for ATMs for your reference:

When the environment temperature comes to the rated temperature, the aerosol device will start to work.

The Aerosol device cylinder is the enclosed 304 stainless cylinder, inside the cylinder without any pressure (non-pressurized), anti-high temperature, or anti-vibration.

When the fire happens, it will be discharging out the nanoparticles of aerosol agents and inert gas to extinguish the fire rapidly. the fire extinguishing ability is much better than other conventional fire extinguishing devices.

Advantages and Other Details

The aerosol device has no piping and can work stand-alone, just need to use an installation bracket to install it inside the ATM or use several small magnets to adhere the device inside the ATM. And just use the installation bracket to install the device on the wall.

The aerosol device is reliable and durable in performance, fashion in appearance, and low in maintenance, so saves operating costs; after discharging not have harmful residue, no need to clean up the protected area.

It is smart and small in size, so can be installed in the narrow space of ATMs, where other kinds of gas, water, skum, and dry chemical suppression systems not reach.

In practical application, there are many technical details, parameters installation environment requirements, and other factors which may affect the installation and use of aerosols.

Please contact our technical personnel or after-sales service personnel for further discussion on this issue.


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