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Engine Bay Fire Protection Systems are the fire suppression systems used for engine bay fire protection. Engine bay also named “engine compartment “eller” engine room”, we now have many kinds of vehicles including cars, bussar, tränare, lastbilar, Excavator, bulldozers, etc, these vehicles have a common space, that is: engine bay (engine compartment or engine room). In the engine room there …
Basic Description With the rapid development of industrial production, the Power supply system plays an increasingly important role in industrial production, so the fire safety prevention work of this system is becoming more and more prominent.The whole power supply system is made up of cables to connect the parts as a whole, So when a fire breaks out in one …
Introduction to Cable Trenches “Why aerosol fire extinguishing generators can be applied to cable trenches?”, to answer this question, we need to come to understand the cable wells first. A cable trench is an underground pipe which used to lay and replace power or telecommunications cable facilities, sometimes we also name it “kabelbrunn”, eller “kabeltunnel”, it has several …
In most instances, people use fire detection tube systems to be a solution for vehicle engine fire protection, many project installation companies and fire engineering companies like to use Rotarex products as a fire protection solution, But in reality, there is another clean agent solution which is Rotarex alternative, That is aerosol suppression device. Why is an Aerosol fire suppression …
With the depletion of petroleum and oil resources and the requirements of global environmental protection, now-days research institutes and production enterprises are committed to researching, developing, and producing alternative products, so renewable energy vehicles have become popular and automobile manufacturers have begun to produce them, and as the new energy vehicles use electric power as main driving power, so correspondingly …
When we discuss gas fire extinguishing systems, we can generally count some of the following types: The FM200 system. The IG541 system. The IG55 system. NOVEC 1230 systemet. and The Carbon dioxide system. No matter what extinguishing agent is used, there is one common point: all these suppression systems have a pipeline network. For them, their disadvantage is very …
Hazardous chemicals warehouses are professional warehouse which store, send and receive chemical raw materials which is flammable, explosive, frätande, toxic, and store pesticide, fertilizer, Chemical reagent and chemicals. It is type is sorted by nature and scope, be divided into transfer warehouse, Production subsidiary warehouse and storage warehouse; there are thousands of dangerous goods storage in hazardous chemicals warehouse, och …
CNC machines short for “computer numerical control machines, are automated milling devices that make industrial components without direct human assistance. There are many different types of CNC machines, but the most common ones are milling machines, lathes, and grinders. dock, the CNC machines are not only very expensive for each device, but also work every 7/24 hours in operation very …
Background and Necessity to Install Automatic Fire Extinguishing Device in Cable Tunnel The cable tunnel is the main lifeline for the entry power plant to operate, the cable is hot during its operation, and after running at high temperatures for a long time, it is easy to make cable insulation age and damage, so that a fire occurs. Det finns …
Why recommend Minisol fire protection device for contained energy storage system In the new energy industry now there is a new thing appeared, we call a “Contained(containerized) Energy Storage System”, so now a container is not only used to load cargo but also use for energy storage and energy saving. Contained(Containerized) energy storage system is made up of an energy …
We Have Three Series of Aerosol Device Many customers after having a look at our condensed aerosol fire suppression system, showed a lot of interest, but they did even not know how to choose our different models and types because for aerosol products we have three basic series, det finns: floor standing series, wall mounted series and minisol fixed series. …
Foreword The FM200 fire suppression system is a fire extinguishing system that with high efficiency in fire extinguishing, dess medel är HFC-227ea som är en luktfri, färglös, giftfri,icke-korrosivt brandsläckningsmedel och är ett syntetiskt brandsläckningsmedel, vilket också är miljövänligt med ODP=0, ALT=0, GWP=0, bra i isolering, no pollution to the environment and durable and reliable …