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Vår blogg

The Role of Fire Blog

Our blog is a platform dedicated to sharing fire knowledge, technology, and industry trends, and exchanging experiences. Through blogs, buyers of firefighting equipment, practitioners and researchers in the firefighting industry, as well as those concerned about firefighting safety, we can learn about the latest developments in firefighting technology, policies, and regulations, as well as the performance characteristics of our firefighting equipment. På samma gång, we can also exchange firefighting work experience, and enhance firefighting safety awareness and emergency response capabilities.

In the fire industry blog, there is a wealth of content that can be covered. Till exempel, the composition and working principle of the fire protection system can be introduced, including the functions and roles of various parts such as the automatic fire alarm system, fire extinguishing system, evacuation system, etc. We can also explore the development trends and innovative directions of the fire protection industry, such as the development and application of emerging fields such as smart fire protection and industrial fire protection.

Dessutom, the fire industry blog can also pay attention to the popularization and promotion of fire safety knowledge. By publishing fire safety knowledge articles, case studies, and other content, we aim to enhance the public’s awareness of fire safety self-protection and self-rescue capabilities. På samma gång, successful cases and advanced experiences in the fire industry can also be shared, providing opportunities for other fire professionals to learn and learn from.

Follow Our BlogBlog on the Fire Industry

For practitioners in the fire protection industry, blogs are also a platform to showcase the professional abilities and technical level of companies and individuals. By writing professional articles, participating in discussions, and sharing experiences, one can showcase professional competence and practical experience, and enhance the visibility and influence of construction sites and individuals in the fire industry.

By following the content of our blog, you can continuously understand and learn about the latest developments in the fire protection industry, our company’s latest achievements, as well as installation cases, etc.

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Torrt kemiskt släcksystem för logistiklager

Torrt kemiskt släcksystem för logistiklager

Preface AboutPowder Dry Chemical Extinguishing System for Logistics Warehouse. Lagerbranschen utvecklas så snabbt över hela världen, speciellt med e-handelsutvecklingen, lagret gör att logistiklager ökar mycket snabbare. Miljontals laster lagras i lagren så administratören måste säkerställa hållbarheten, stabilitet, och lagrets säkerhet. When the storage of the cargo

IG541 inert gas brandsläckningssystem Applicera i tunnelbanan

IG541 inert gas brandsläckningssystem Applicera i tunnelbanan

Summary Underground rail transit is a new mode of transportation that alleviates road traffic pressure. In fire safety work, there is a definite provision that where need to install a fire suppression system and where need to have fire other fire extinguishing equipment. For the choice of fire suppression system, considering the particularity of underground rail transit, and considering environmental

Fire Suppression Device for Container-Type PV Inverter Protection

Fire Suppression Device for Container-Type PV Inverter Protection

The photovoltaic power generation system or photovoltaic power generation system consists of photovoltaic inverters, intelligent combiner boxes, DC distribution cabinets, energy storage systems, monitoring systems, and transformer systems. These components and branch systems are not very big in dimension, we would better adopt a compact style of fire suppression device and its system as a fire suppression solution for the

Användbara brandskyddssystem och lösningar för garage

Användbara brandskyddssystem och lösningar för garage

SUMMARY With the development of the world’s economy, more and more cars come into families, the small size of cars is increasing every day in urban transportation, now the urban car parking problem is prominent, correspondingly more and more big garages were built or under build and increasing every day. Especially with the development of the real estate industry, de …

mycket tidigt rökdetekteringssystem VESDA

Möjlig brandsäkerhetslösning i distributionsskåp

The Summary Distributing cabinets are generally used for power supply systems, inklusive luftbrytare, effektbrytare, olika typer av isoleringsbrytare, ansluta terminaler, skyddsutrustning, mätutrustning, ömsesidiga indukter, och olika sensorer. Kontinuerlig och stabil strömförsörjning är avgörande för alla funktioner i samhället, om det är industriellt, kommersiell, eller bostadsfrågor, som förlitar sig på kontinuerlig och stabil strömförsörjning. …

fordonsbrandsläckningssystem för maskinrum

Brandsläckningssystem för fordon för motorrum

Rörliga fordon är alltid i rörelse, det finns bilar, bussar, tränare, lastbilar, tåg, tunga, och andra specialfordon som polisbilar, racerbilar, bulldozers, lastbilar av förartyp, gaffeltruckar, och andra typer av fordon. Dessa fordon har alla motorrumsstorlekar från små till medelstora och till och med stora, och motorn fungerar när den är i rörelse så lätt att värma upp, när värmen …

ball shape urban underground aerosol fire extinguishers

Barrel Aerosol Fire Suppression Device in New Big Project

With 9 days until May 2018, our installation personnel have completed a large-scale fire extinguishing system installation work, and we feel very pleased. In this project, we use almost 12000 sets of barrel wall-mounted aerosol fire suppression devices to be installed in a big utility tunnel project located in Beijing, Kina. in this big utility tunnel project we sent out

installation sketch map direct fire detecting tube

Kinas brandupptäckande rörutlösningssystem

Our Chinese gas fire extinguishing system always uses HFC-227ea, koldioxid, and IG541 gas fire extinguishing agents. Today, we will recommend the HFC-227ea gas and carbon dioxide gas tube release system, which can be refilled into specially designed fire detection tubes and used as a fire-detecting tube release system. This suppression system is divided into DIRECT TYPE AND INDIRECT TYPE. DIRECT

Auto Fire Off Ball Brandsläckare

Kina Dry Chemical Brandsläckare Ball AFO Auto Fire Off

DESCRIPTION AFO is short for “AUTOMATISK BRAND AV”, it is a fire extinguisher ball by uses super-fine dry chemical powder as a fire extinguisher agent, det är också en bollform, och viktigast av allt är det automatiskt. Den placeras överallt där du med hjälp av ett monteringsfäste kan också kastas in i en eldslåga för att släcka elden, it will

Racerbilsbrandsläckningssystem för båtar och bussar

Racerbilsbrandsläckningssystem för båtar och bussar

Since our establishment, we have engaged in research and produced new kinds of products installed in vehicles like race cars, bussmotorer, car batteries, boat engines, och så vidare. With several years of development now we have a creation of highly effective fire suppression systems for buses and boats, we sometimes call it a boat fire suppression generator or a

Introduction of CO2 Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System

Introduction of CO2 Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System

CONCEPTION AND DESCRIPTION CO2 is a colorless, luktfri, and non-damaging gas that can be used as a fire suppression agent, it suppresses fire mainly by lowering the level of oxygen which supports combustion in protective hazard areas; it is reliable, fast, and highly effective. CO2 systems can be stored in high-pressure steel cylinders or low-pressure refrigerated tanks, so they can

Aerosol Suppression Device är ett smart brandskydd för fordon

Aerosol Suppression Device är ett smart brandskydd för fordon

WHY NEED VEHICLE FIRE PROTECTION? The safety of passengers and operator of vehicles is the most important factor when we consider choosing a reasonable fire protection device, as the danger of vehicle fire is constant because all vehicles carry a combination of highly combustible fluids including fuel, oil, smörjmedel, hydraulic fluid, grease and ignition elements including electrical circuits, batterier, exhaust