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Kinas brandupptäckande rörutlösningssystem

» Vår blogg » China Fire Detecting Tube Release System

Kinas brandupptäckande rörutlösningssystem

April 20, 2018

Our Chinese gas fire extinguishing system always uses HFC-227ea, koldioxid, and IG541 gas fire extinguishing agents.

Today, we will recommend the HFC-227ea gas and carbon dioxide gas tube release system, which can be refilled into specially designed fire detection tubes and used as a fire-detecting tube release system.

This suppression system is divided into DIRECT TYPE AND INDIRECT TYPE.

DIRECT fire-detecting tube release system uses fire detecting tube as both asensor of fire detection” och “Media of ExtinguishingWhen the fire comes, the portion of the fire tube nearest the point where the most heat is detected ruptures will form an effective extinguishing nozzle.

installation sketch map direct fire detecting tube

INDIRECT fire detection tube releasing system uses the fire detecting tube as asensor of fire detectionbut not asmedia of extinguishing”, instead uses another additional brazed copper tube asMedia of Extinguishing”.

När en brand uppstår, the fire detection tube will detect the fire promptly, and then brazed copper pipes will help discharge the fire extinguishing agent to the discharge nozzle.

schematic diagram for indirect fire detection tubes

Vanligtvis, we have an HFC-227ea agent for fire detection tube systems and a CO2 agent for fire detection tube systems.

Main Application Range

The main application areas of fire detection tube fire extinguishing systems are:

  • Electronic cabinets.
  • Electronic control panels.
  • Datorrum.
  • Microwave cabinet and Mibo cabinet.
  • Data Processing rooms.
  • Medicinsk utrustning.
  • Computer Numerical control machine.
  • Telecommunication rooms.
  • Sever rooms.
  • Transformer rooms.
  • Power generator rooms.

Our products are similar to the Fire Trace detecting tube system and the BLAZECUT tube system, which the fire trace system is very famous in the world.

Jämfört med små aerosolbrandsläckare, The advantage of fire detection tubes is that their installation position is generally outside the cabinet body.

På det här sättet, it will not occupy the limited space inside the cabinet, ensuring the safety of electronic components inside the cabinet.

The disadvantage is that each installation requires drilling holes in the cabinet, and the product’s chemicals come with a certain amount of pressure.

cabinets install fire detecting tube system komponenter i branddetektionsrörsdämpningssystem
fire tubing system automatic carbon dioxide co2 fire detection tube system

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