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Premiärbesök projekt för Dry Chemical Powder Suppression System

» Vår blogg » Premier Visit Dry Chemical Powder Suppression System Project

Premiärbesök projekt för Dry Chemical Powder Suppression System

augusti 19, 2017

On the Same day September 25, 2015, it is a sunny autumn day a special visitor our China premierMr. Li Ke Qiang”, visited our other underground pipe gallery which is to install a Pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Powder Suppression System.

Mr. Li KeQiang again visited our underground project and again spoke highly of us, we are very surprised by our premier’s apprise, and also we promise to our premier that we will improve our technology and our products forever, to increase our total production level and advanced technology.

For this other Underground Pipe Gallery, we use our Pressurized ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher Device instead, which the device is also very easy to install and maintain.
It has 3 activation methods, one is electrical, another is a thermal cord, and the third is a thermo bulb, In this project, we use electrical activation only.

dessutom, this other underground pipe gallery project is 10 kilometers long and uses over 2000 sets of our pressurized dry chemical device in the project.
Every one of our technician installers installs the device very seriously and carefully, to make every device with zero default.

As we know, the underground pipe gallery is a special place where it is very hard to find a suitable fire suppression system, but our dry chemical powder fire extinguisher device and our Wall-mounted aerosol fire extinguisher can help.
We have a real installation reference/case for them, this is to certify that we can install our fire extinguisher device for underground facilities.

More Applications

But after you read this you will ask: “Do we can install your product in some other applications?”.
Our answer is 100% absolutely, our products are also used in the following but not limited to:

  • Wind Power Nacelles.
  • Big supermarket.
  • Big business warehouse or storage rooms.
  • Datorrum.
  • Data Processing Rooms.
  • High-Rise buildings.
  • Cable Well and Cable Tunnel.
  • Bus stations and railway stations.
  • Telecommunication Facility.
  • Kontrollrum och kontrollpanel.
  • PABX rooms.
  • High-Value equipment.
  • Marine Engine rooms.
  • Machinery Space.

If you have a real project, please just feel free to let me know we will surprise you.

pipeline gallery fire suppression system underground

dry chemical powder fire extinguisher for underground pipelines

fire protection products underground pipeline

engineering company aerosol fire protection

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