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Rörlöst IT-rumsbrandsläckningssystem

» Produkter » Minisol Aerosol Brandsläckare » Pipeless IT Room Fire Suppression System
  • Rörlöst IT-rumsbrandsläckningssystem

    Minisol Aerosol Brandsläckare, Produkter

    Aerosol pipeless IT Room Fire Suppression System for variety of electrical rooms.

    This aerosol fire extinguishing system can efficiently extinguish all types of electrical fires.

    • Specifikationer
    • Product Characteristics
    • Product Applications
    • Installation Precautions

    Aerosol Generator is a gas-alternative pipeless IT room fire suppression system, because aerosol fire extinguisher not only be able to apply in the whole IT room, but also can be installed inside the electrical cabinets as direct-to-source application.

    In a IT room, many electric cabinets over there, then we can install each cabinets with one units of aerosol extinguisher, till exempel, one cabinets with vomume of 1.5 cubic meter will require a 150 grams of aeosol generator setted inside, with an automatic activation.

    Further, we also need to install larger aerosols in the whole IT room. The generally recommended models are 2500g or 3000g.

    The usual situation is that small aerosols protect small spaces and large aerosols protect large spaces.

    Rörlöst IT-rumsbrandsläckningssystem

    Regardless of the type of aerosol device, their basic parameters are the same, below we list the basic parameters of the aerosol(Minisol).

    Technical Specifications

    • Produkttyp: IT Room Fire Suppression System.
    • Formula: Strontium and Potassium aerosol.
    • Models and specifications: For more models and specifications please download and read the installation manual, contact us for the password.
    • Activation type: electric, thermal, or electric + thermal.
    • Firefighting Flooding Time: inom 60 sekunder.
    • Extinguishing efficiency: 0 till 30 cubic metres.
    • Voltage requirement: 3-24V.
    • Current requirement: Roughly 500 mA.
    • Resistance Value Range: 1.0-2.0 Åh.
    • Ultiple Product Connection: series connection, sometimes with a sekventiell starter.
    • Product Temperature Upper Limit: less than or equal to 200 ℃.
    • Shell and inner tube material: 304 rostfritt stål.
    • Coolant Material: chemicals, ceramic pellets.
    • Product Life: 10 till 15 år (depending on ambient temperature and humidity).
    • Omgivningstemperatur: -40℃ till +95 ℃.
    • Relativ luftfuktighet: 95 percent relative.
    • Supportted Certificates: CE, ROHS, GL, IP67 and ISO series.

    A number of other types of extinguishing devices can also be used as IT ROOM fire suppression systems, but we believe that the simplest and most practical are aerosols, which have excellent performance indicators in all aspects.

    If you have an IT ROOM and need to install a fire suppression system, we recommend the aerosol system to you.


    The aerosol-based pipeless IT Room Fire Suppression System has the following characteristics and features:

    • It is pipeless, It does not require a complex pipework system because the extinguishing agent is released in the form of smoke from the nozzles and can reach the corner of any enclosed space.
    • The extinguishing agent is clean, giftfri, non-corrosive and meets US and European environmental standards.
    • The product is waterproof and dustproof, ensuring that it can be used in harsh high temperature and high humidity environments.
    • The starter head of the product is made of high quality aerospace material, which ensures good stability of the current input.
    • The product shell is made of high quality 304 rostfritt stål, the product is pressure and impact resistant.
    • The product has a long service life, usually its life cycle is 2-3 times longer than ordinary fire extinguishers, it can reach 15 years life.
    • The products are ideal for use in various electrical rooms, such as IT rooms.

    This pipeless aerosol fire extinguishers can be used not only in the IT ROOM, but also in other similar places as list:

    • Datorrum.
    • Databehandlingsrum.
    • Dieselgeneratorrum.
    • Elfördelningsrum.
    • Power generating room.
    • Serverrum.
    • Cable Tunnel and Cable Tray.
    • Energilagringsbehållare.

    When you install our products, please be aware of the following:

    • Install this product according to the installation manual.
    • Do not stand directly in front of the device when doing the installation job.
    • Make sure of power off.
    • When it discharging, people should keep at least 3 meter bort eller inte gå in på platsen.
    • Förbjudet att sticka hål i aluminiumfolien i botten av enheten.
    • When it discharging do not touch the cylinder, because it is hot.
    • If you are accidentally injured, seek immediate medical attention.

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