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Aerosolundertryckningssystem för kraftbyte skåp

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Aerosolundertryckningssystem för kraftbyte skåp

maj 6, 2023

The Necessity of Using Aerosol Suppression System on Power Exchange Cabinets

För närvarande, Elektriska cyklar och elektriska motorcyklar utvecklas snabbt över hela världen, i Kina, det finns över 600 miljoner elektriska cyklar.

Utvecklingen av elektriska cyklar har lett till utvecklingen av laddnings- och bytesfältet, Stora städer bygger också kontinuerligt laddskåp och utbytesskåp.

A national enterprise of China’s iron tower is laying out charging and exchange equipment in major cities. I believe that globally, other companies are also laying out the same products.

With the rise of the battery-swapping industry, people have begun to pay attention to the safety issues of battery exchange cabinets.

In a battery exchange system, continuous charging and discharging of lithium batteries can lead to a decrease in battery life, reduced capacity, and extremely unstable charging and discharging processes, which can easily lead to overcharging and thermal runaway, leading to fires.

Solution for Power Exchange Cabinets Fire

To solve this problem, the industry has also formulated the standardTechnical Requirements for Li-ion Battery Exchange Cabinets for Electric Bicycles”, which stipulates that the exchange cabinets need to be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing devices.

The main reason for the fire in the power exchange cabinet is due to the thermal runaway caused by overcharging of the battery, Due to the thermal runaway of lithium batteries involving Class A surface fire, Class B liquid fire, Class C gas fire, and Class E electrical fire.

So some people may ask, with so many types of automatic fire extinguishing devices on the market, which product can solve the problem of A, B, C, and E types of fires in the power exchange cabinet? The answer is an Aerosol fire-extinguishing device.

The Aerosol device is small in size, and the extinguishing agent inside the cylinder is compact and has no pollution to the electronic elements.

Expert Introduction and Explanation for Small Aerosol Suppression System

Jim Zhang, Chief Technical Engineer of Jiangxi Aware Fire Technology Co., Ltd pointed out that solving battery fires in small spaces of charging and exchange cabinets must be done quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly. “Quicklymeans fast detection response and fire extinguishing speed, “Accuratelymeans accurate detection and precise extinguishing of initial fire sources, och “ruthlesslymeans that the fire extinguishing action is immediately executed.

Lithium-ion Battery Suppression Extinguisher is a perfectly rectangular shape automatic aerosol suppression system for power charging and exchange cabinet, Its environmental adaptability is very strong, not only can it withstand the high-temperature environment in the power exchange cabinet, but it can also start normally within -50℃; Although its specifications are only 50*49*20mm, the reaction cut is very sensitive, and it can automatically start when the temperature reaches 170 grader Celsius; It not only has thermal start function, but also electric start function and signal feedback function.

There are circuits and lithium batteries inside the charging and changing cabinets, which are new things with the development of new energy. Därför, the safety protection of charging and changing cabinets is also a key focus of future fire protection issues.

Product Superiority

Small aerosol suppression system QRR0.012G/S/SA is the best solution for the power exchange cabinet and charging cabinet, because:

  • The dimensions are so small enough to install it inside the power charging and exchange cabinet.
  • It has a temperature-sensing cord, which makes the small fire extinguisher work automatically, and the thermal cord itself is a fire detector.
  • It suppresses the fire of Class A, Klass B, Klass C, Klass E, och klass F. dessutom, it is a clean agent that does not cause a bad effect on the cabinets.
  • It has non-conductive and insulating functions, and will not harm personal safety.
  • Unlike other fire extinguishing equipment with pressure characteristics, it is completely pressure-free storage.
  • It can adapt to various environments, such as high mountains, oceans, fuktighet, etc.
  • After release, there is no residue, and there is no need to have someone specifically clean the cabinet body.
  • Its installation is very convenient, as long as you use 3M adhesive to stick it to the metal cabinet. It’s like a DIY installation.
  • It can continuously monitor fire situations 24 timmar per dag.

For specific information, please consult our salesperson, or service personnel, and for technical problems, please contact our technician team.

For energy storage fire protection, there is another article that may help you: Aerosol is an energy storage system fire protection solution

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