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Superfin pulverbrandsläckare i fartygets maskinrum

november 13, 2018

Superfine Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher for the vessel engine room

För närvarande, with rapid economic development, the vessel transportation industry is growing so fast, and every kind of vessel is put into use.

If the vessel catches fire, it would put the sailors at risk and will cause a lot of damage to the vessel companies.

Following relevant statistical information, the following location in the vessel is easy to get fire:

  • Living residence
  • engine room
  • Warehouse room
  • Cabin room

But the most possible big fire may occur in the vessel engine room. So engine room fire protection is a very important thing we need to do, we should make measurements and prevent fire from occurring.

About the Fire in The Vessel Engine Room


  • Fire flame location is hidden and not easy to find out.
    The vessel engine room is normally at the bottom of the boat and the trailer of the boat, it is an enclosed space, people outside the engine compartment room will not easily find out if fire starts from inside, and engine room worker normally stays in the central control room also will hard to find out fire in engine room, also the engine room is make out big noise and have oil taste will makes people hard to find out fire, these factors will makes it delay to find fire in it and cause fire expanded.
  • The fire spread quickly after get fire.
    The engine room is the power supply center, there are many pieces of machinery equipment under high temperatures and high pressure, and a lot of inflammable liquid is sticking to the surface and shell of the machinery equipment, after getting fire, the fire flame will rapidly along the equipment, along the cable well and along the oil line and to every direction, in a short time fire could reach to the whole engine compartment room.
    If continues to spread, it will reach the whole vessel body and will destroy vessels.
  • A lot of explosive materials over there, and have a high risk of exploding.
    Inside the engine there are a lot of oil tanks gas cylinders and high-pressure containers, there are combustibles, and after high temperature, they will explode, and indirectly cause the fire bigger, also causing casualties.
  • The vessel room is complicated in structure, hard to suppress fire.
    Because of vessel body limits, the vessel structure is complicated, it is hard to enter the engine room, oil stain is over there, and many pipes and machinery are placed over there, when a fire occurs, the whole engine room will be under the status of “fireplace” or “Oven”, people and fireman will hard to enter into the room to put out the fire.

TVÅ: Requirement for fire protection in Vessel Engine Room

  • High efficiency to suppress fire.
  • The function of a fire extinguishing agent should suppress the fire of Class A, B, C, E, och F.
  • Preventing recurrence.
  • Safe and Environmentally Friendly.

TRE: Characteristics of Superfine ABC dry chemical powder fire extinguisher

  • Sammanfattning
    This fire extinguishing agent is with very high fire extinguishing ability, it is fire extinguishing ability is 2 till 3 times higher than that of halon 1301, 6 till 10 times higher than common dry powder, 10 times higher than HFC-227ea fire suppression agent, 15 times higher than carbon dioxide fire extinguishing agent; it is ODP is zero, GWP is zero and ALT is super low, have no corrosion, little residue after discharging, and not had a bad effect on the human body, easy to clean up after discharge, can widely apply in every industry, can suppress fire of Class A, B, C, E.
  • Fire Suppression Principle
    A. Suppress fire flame.
    B. Physical cooling.
    C. Oxygen displacement, Isolate Oxygen.
    D. Radiant heat attenuation.

FYRA: Superfine ABC dry chemical powder applied in the vessel engine room.

In fire protection management work, we should realize the importance of engine room fire risk and should choose the correct fire suppression system and use it in the correct application.

We should remember the policy ofput prevention first and combine prevention with elimination”.

We should make correct fire protection measurements to prevent the vessel engine room from fire and minimize the fire.

The super-fine ABC dry chemical powder fire extinguisher is a more economical way for vessel engine room fire protection. Because its cost is lower than another kind of fire suppression system, But if you want another smart and clean fire protection solution, then we will recommend the Minisol Aerosol Fire Safety Device.

vessel engine room fire suppression system

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