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5700 gram Yoğunlaştırılmış Aerosol Yangın Söndürücü

» Ürünler » Minisol Aerosol Yangın Söndürücü » 5700 gram Yoğunlaştırılmış Aerosol Yangın Söndürücü
  • 5700 gram Yoğunlaştırılmış Aerosol Yangın Söndürücü

    Minisol Aerosol Yangın Söndürücü, Ürünler

    5700 grams Condensed Aerosol Fire Extinguisher for protecting large enclosed spaces.

    Including Computer Room, Sunucu Odası, şube, Güç Dağıtım Odası, vb.

    This product can cover a large space of 57 cubic meters per unit.

    • Özellikler
    • Temel Özellikler
    • Fields of Application
    • Diğer Hususlar

    5700 grams condensed aerosol fire extinguisher is the biggest capacity of the Minisol series fire-fighting device in our company.

    This model of the product has a capacity of 57 cubic meters for each device, For small containment areas, it can be designed for a concentration of 100 metreküp başına gram, ancak, for large containment areas, it needs to be appropriately adjusted to a concentration of 100-140 metreküp başına gram.

    Its main application scenario is large spaces, güç dağıtım odaları gibi, jeneratör odaları, trafo, pump rooms, bilgisayar odası, vb. It should be noted that he must be installed in a closed space to achieve the best fire-extinguishing effect.

    The 5700g condensed aerosol fire extinguisher unit will produce a large amount of dense aerosol fog when spraying, so make sure that people are not at the spraying site when spraying, if someone is at the site, they need to be evacuated before the product is sprayed.

    Genel olarak, in large fire extinguishing systems there is an alarm detection system with a delayed start function (30 saniye), which allows people to quickly evacuate the site of the aerosol fire extinguishing system within the delay time.

    This product has excellent performance, let us know more about this product from the parameter index.

    5700 gram Yoğunlaştırılmış Aerosol Yangın Söndürücü

    Parameter Index of the 5700 Grams Condensed Aerosol Fire Extinguisher Device

    • Name and Capacity: 5700 grams aerosol extinguishing generator.
    • modeli: AW-QH-5700E.
    • boyut: Diameter 220±1 mm, Yüksekliği 295 aa.
    • Suppression Ability: 57 metreküp.
    • Yangın Söndürme Zaman: 40 için 50 saniye.
    • Aktivasyon Modu: Thermally and Electricity.
    • Installation Environment Requirements: fully enclosed space, veya 90% kapatılmış alan.
    • Ana Kimyasal: Aerosol of Strontium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate.
    • Cylinder and Material: 304 paslanmaz çelik.
    • Kurulum Modu: U-shape installation support and O shape Clamps, ile 304 stainless steel screws.
    • Appearance processing technology: turning edge, pah kırma, parlatma.
    • İşlev: Full flooding fire extinguishing.
    • Etiket: farkında ateş, Minisol, or Customised.

    For further product details or technical brochures/literature, lütfen bizim Installation and Operating Instructions.

    vinçlerde aerosol yangın söndürücü

    5700 grams aerosol fire extinguishing device is a big guy that requires high production technology, Our company's advanced production equipment is capable of creating large format aerosol fire extinguishing devices, which is relatively rare in the fire protection industry.

    Let's list the main parameters of this great product one by one:

    1. The weight of the agent is 5.7kg, the weight of the product is about 20kg, the product is relatively large, it is difficult to install, and the installation has a certain degree of difficulty.
    2. Excellent fire extinguishing performance, kapalı bir alanı kaplayabilir 57 cubic meters and can be used in larger protected spaces.
    3. With a hot starter (thermal wire or temperature-sensitive bulb), it can also be used as a stand-alone fire extinguishing system without the need for an alarm device.
    4. The whole body shell is made of 304 paslanmaz çelik, neme dayanıklı, high temperature resistant, and corrosion resistant.
    5. This product has a very long life span of between 10 ve 15 yıl, according to the results of aging tests.
    6. The product extinguishes fires quickly and can extinguish fires in large protected spaces in a short time.

    This product is slightly larger, so it has requirements for the installation environment.

    Some spaces are filled with various distribution and electrical facilities and there is not enough remaining space inside to install this product.

    bu nedenle, it is best to check the capacity of the installation space before installing this product.

    The main installation sites for this product contain the following locations:

    • Bilgisayar odası.
    • Data Room.
    • telekomünikasyon Odası.
    • Sever Room.
    • Alt istasyon.
    • Jeneratör Odası.
    • Power distribution house.
    • Low voltage and high voltage room.
    • Tower room.
    • Water pumping room.
    • Dizel Jeneratör odası.
    • Large-scale energy storage room.

    The following precautions should be taken when storing, transporting, and using the product:

    • Store the product in a ventilated, dry place.
    • Handle with care to avoid damaging the product or scratching the shell.
    • Private disassembly of this unit is prohibited as this product is hazardous.
    • This product warranty of 2 yıl, and a life of 10 için 15 yıl, in the warranty period quality problems can be replaced, except for man-made damage.
    • After spraying the product, do not touch the casing as it is very hot and can burn the skin.
    • When installing this product it is recommended that more than 2 installers work on it, as it is very heavy and it is best to use lifting equipment.

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