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Depo için Hafif Kuru Kimyasal Yangın Söndürme Bombası

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  • Depo için Hafif Kuru Kimyasal Yangın Söndürme Bombası

    Kuru Kimyasal Yangın Söndürme Sistemleri, Ürünler

    The ultra-fine dry chemical fire suppression grenade is an important fire-fighting facility for storing warehouses, it will secure the stored materials 24/7 and ensure the safety of personnel.

    Warehouses are prone to fire, dry powder fire extinguishing system will better protect the safe operation of the warehouse.

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    Dry chemical fire suppression systems are appliances that have been widely used to extinguish fires in various types of warehouses.

    Because dry powder has no special requirements for the height of the space, it can be installed in low-height spaces as well as in extremely high spaces.

    Warehouse-style Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Grenade

    In some ways, dry powder fire extinguishers are the most suitable fire extinguishing system for warehouses.

    There are two major reasons for this:

    • 1. Water systems can damage the materials stacked in the warehouse and cause financial losses, while dry powder fire extinguishing systems will not cause losses to the objects in the warehouse after spraying.
    • 2. Dry powder fire extinguishing systems are the nemesis of fires in large and very high unenclosed spaces, and there is no particularly strict requirement on the installation height.

    bu nedenle, dry powder is one of the most suitable automatic fire extinguishing systems for warehouses.

    Özellikle, ultra-fine dry chemical fire suppression cartridges are adopted in most of the projects because the fire extinguishing efficiency is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary dry powder.

    Because it is not subject to geographical and spatial constraints, üretici olarak, we strongly recommend you install this ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing device in the warehouse location and factory workshop location.

    sızdırmaz ABC kuru kimyevi tozlu yangın söndürme sistemleri 21

    Technical Data of Slight Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Grenade

    Below we recommend the non-pressurized superfine dry chemical powder FFX-ACT5, which is an ideal helper for warehouse fire protection:

    • Ürün adı: ABC hafif kuru kimyasal yangın söndürme cihazı.
    • Powder Storage Form: basınçsız.
    • Power Chemicals: Hafif kuru kimyasal toz.
    • Ortam sıcaklığı: from -50℃ to +90℃.
    • Boyut: Ø270*400 mm, or specially designed as a requirement.
    • Filling Content: 5 kilogram, tolerans ±%5.
    • Total Weight of The Device: 9 kilogram.
    • Toplam Sel Boyutu: 3.1*3.1*3.5 metre.
    • Püskürtme Süresi: daha az 5 saniye.
    • Yangın Söndürme Zaman: daha az 1 saniye.
    • Koruma Alanı: we have the datasheet for all sizes, inquire from us for details.
    • Tek elektrikli çekme direncini: 2.4 için 3.4 aman.
    • Ömür: 5 için 10 yıl.
    • Müdahale Gücü Söndürme: 4.02 kN.
    • oyunculuk Zaman: 21.6 MS.
    • Gas Initiator Life Span: 10 yıl.

    It should be noted that it is very suitable for installation in three-dimensional warehouses or large steel structure factory workshops, which is a superior feature compared to other gas fire extinguishing systems.

    Bu ürün hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, please refer to our brochure and operation manual.

    süper ince ABC kuru kimyasal yangından korunma sistemi

    The ultra-fine dry powder fire extinguishing device applied in warehouses has the following characteristics:

    • It can be installed in both enclosed and open spaces, and its installation is not limited by space.
    • It can be installed on the top of high warehouses with auxiliary brackets.
    • The product has a fast spraying speed and can be quickly sprayed in a few seconds, covering the root of the flame.
    • The sprayed white dry powder fire extinguishing agent will not harm people or damage materials.
    • The cost is higher than that of aerosol fire extinguishing systems and gas fire extinguishing systems, making it an economical and practical product.
    • The structure is simple and the installation process is also simple.
    • belongs to the category of non-pipe network fire extinguishing products, and there is no pressure, so there is no need for a pressure indicator.
    • cihazı başlatmak için katı gaz sürüş teknolojisini kullanın, ve ayrıca yangını bastırmak için süper hızlı.
    • The cylinder tank body is made of high-quality carbon steel, with exquisite craftsmanship and high safety performance.

    Just Similar to the Aerosol yangın söndürme sistemi, this dry chemical powder fire extinguisher has broad application prospects and space, bazılarını listeledik, ancak bunlarla sınırlı değildir:

    • Üretim atölyesi.
    • telekomünikasyon odası.
    • Yanıcı sıvı depolama odası.
    • Elektrik odası.
    • ilaç fabrikası.
    • Gıda fabrikası.
    • Pil odası.
    • Kablo kanalları.
    • Güç üretimi için oda.
    • Solar electricity generator.
    • Güç dağıtımı için oda.
    • trafo odası.
    • Motor kontrol Merkezi.
    • Uzak pompa evi.
    • asansör kontrol odaları.
    • Deniz aracı makine dairesi.
    • Garajlar.
    • Kütüphane.
    • Müzeler.
    • arşiv.
    • Historic Building.
    • makine dairesi.
    • Enerji depolama odası.
    • UPS odası.


    Our brand name is Aware, and we have complete files for this product:

    • Catalog, El ilanı, and Brochure.
    • Kullanım klavuzu.
    • Malzeme Veri Sayfası.
    • Test raporu.
    • Teknik veri sayfası.

    Ürüne ilgi varsa, or have any ongoing project needs to inquire us for pricing, bizimle temas kurmaktan çekinmeyin.

    We have a sales service team that works 7/24 saat her gün.

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