Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel CFP-2166 is a fire alarm systems that is applied everywhere and work together withYangın söndürme sistemleri to make us safe from fire.
The main features of this product are listed below:
AW-CFP2166 series of conventional fire alarm panels are designed based on EN54 part 2&4 standards.
It is a modular design, Panel uzanabilir 1 için bölge 32 zones easily.
It has 2 2-level control mode with a lock.
Bu 24VDC ve 5 VDC güç kaynağı çıkışı.
It has "ATEŞ" ve "HATA" sinyal çıkışı.
It has 2 Genel sirenler çıkış.
Her / her bölge vardır 1 circuit detector input.
Easy zone can be disabled by a button.
It has a "RESET" düğme panelini sıfırlamak için.
It has a "Sirence" düğme BUZZER ve Sounders durdurmak için.
It has an "boşaltın" düğme hemen bir manuel yangın alarmı başlatmak için.
It has a battery low protection function, when the battery voltage is lower than 21VDC, the battery will be cut off automatically until the mains power is on.
It has an optional GSM module for fire alarm by SMS.
It is economical, Çevre dostu, and easy to maintain.
The office.
The bank.
Sigorta şirketi.
Yüksek katlı bina.
The school.
The supermarket.
The shopping mall.
The commercial and residential buildings.
Güç dağıtım odası.
bilgisayar odası.
jeneratör odası.
The wind turbine.
Solar energy.
The mining.
transportation Fields.
The marine.
The workshops and warehouse.
arşiv, kütüphane, müzeler,
The government facilities.
This conventional fire control panel could be used for gaseous fire suppression systems, köpük, ABC dry chemical and aerosol fire extinguishing systems, vb.
Proje kabulünden önce, teknisyen önce sistem hata ayıklaması yapmalıdır.
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